Doggy Pics:

I got some new pictures of my soon-to-be mine puppy yesterday. She looks so cute!!! I have before and after pictures. The before were taken in the morning when she was just playing and had not been bathed in a while. The second was taken in the afternoon after her grooming. I can't wait to get her here....hurry up July 19th!!


Show Dog

"Breeder" HAHAHAHAHA! You do know that "Australian Labradoodle" is just code for REALLY EXPENSIVE MUTT. Let me emphasize that last word....MUTT.;) :D

I love mutts. I've rescued and/or fostered several of them. Just about every breed is some kind of cross if you go back far enough. The Labradoodle is a combination of the best traits of both the poodle and the labrador. This particular breeder has been using sires and dams that are both labradoodles for several generations. They are affectionate and intelligent dogs, and I don't really care what they cost.

Some consider them mutts or designer dogs. They just haven't been recognized by the snobs at AKC yet.
Harry, when he was abit younger, he's a little grey now.


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zenheretic said:
I want your dog. Trade you somethin' for her.:D
Honestly, I've wanted an English for quite some time. I've had many a pit bull, an American Bull or two and a sweetheart of a white GSD. Maybe I'll pick one up one of these days.
135 Lbs Of Couch Potato. We adopted her at 4 weeks old and she is now going on 12 years old....She has arthritis so we let her stay in the last year or so...She is on a 9 foot couch so you can see she is 6 ft. long without the tail....She howls a lot but hardly ever barks....this is HER couch and she can still snap a 2 inch Booda Bone in two with one bite....Very big toofies.


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My Australian Shepherd, Ridley. He's awesome! Whenever I take him anywhere all the young chics say "Oh, he's so adorable!" So, I say "thanks!" Then I realise they're talking about Ridley. :o
Good looking Aussie!:thumbup: Let's see if I can post a pic of one of mine...


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This is my Angel!!!!! She's a Rat Terrier and loves chasing anything that'll run!! :D
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I want your dog. Trade you somethin' for her.:D
Honestly, I've wanted an English for quite some time. I've had many a pit bull, an American Bull or two and a sweetheart of a white GSD. Maybe I'll pick one up one of these days.

Hey cool m1! Not that you would go to one, but please avoid the puppy mills for a bulldog. Take the time to find a good breeder, who doesn't breed the truly messed up dogs to pass on the poor health traits. Or get a rescue dog and understand it will probably have some health issues.

Mine has really itchy skin. She won't quit scratching and will scratch until she bleeds. The vet sold me some steroid spray, but it don't help much. :( I don't know if it was a hereditary problem or if the fact that a previous owner left her in the hot Vegas sun for four days with no shade had something to do with it. I'm told she got sunburned so bad she lost a lot of fur on her back after that. It grew back, but she is a scratching machine.
Hey cool m1! Not that you would go to one, but please avoid the puppy mills for a bulldog. Take the time to find a good breeder, who doesn't breed the truly messed up dogs to pass on the poor health traits. Or get a rescue dog and understand it will probably have some health issues.

Mine has really itchy skin. She won't quit scratching and will scratch until she bleeds. The vet sold me some steroid spray, but it don't help much. :( I don't know if it was a hereditary problem or if the fact that a previous owner left her in the hot Vegas sun for four days with no shade had something to do with it. I'm told she got sunburned so bad she lost a lot of fur on her back after that. It grew back, but she is a scratching machine.

You might consider giving her some Benedryl. Just a suggestion, not giving advice. She might have allergies, but who knows.

Do you feed her food that has corn in it? Many dogs develop allergies or sensitivity to corn and that can cause itching.

Speaking of food, what food are you feeding? Canned? Dry? What Brand(s)? The food you feed can play a major role in skin problems and other health problems.

Heres my pride and joy........... meet Mr Croc... I got him the day that Steve Irwin was killed, so I named him after Stevo... he has a personality like ole Stevo to.. not to mention that he bit like a Crocodile with those baby teeth..
here is my new boy with his favorite toy; it is a regulation size soccer ball.

he is a Bouvier des Flandres and is 27 inches at the shoulders.



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Here's Max, who we got from a lady who took him from the original owners... they had no time for him and just kept him in a garage all day.


The kids have inundated him with nicknames, such as:

Maximus Prime, Preem-Prime-Prome, Nutley, and the most bizzare of all, Littlest-Lunesta.
AAAHHHHH All are so cute! I am including some of my babies. As some of you know the brown shepard/doberman was laid to rest two weeks ago. But I did get another one a baby beagle, and she is a handfull. I love it!! Blue heeler is corky. Red nose pit is holly and the beagle is resse. coco is back home her ashes are looking down on all of us.



Here's mine, Nick is a 10 yr old Collie/German Sheppard mix and smart as a whip, Benny the Bull is a 8 yr old Walker Coon Hound and is cuter than a bug and twice as dumb. I can't prove who did what but yesterday when I got home I found little pieces of screen all over the floor from where they ripped it out of a window I leave open for them to sniff the air when I'm at work. Bastards.:grumpy:;):D I've been considering web cams so I can watch them from work lately.






This was taken at one of my old houses when they were both younger. The couch they are sleeping on was then destroyed, one cushion at a time, by Benny. The little turd would still be playing in the stuffing when I got home from work.
Here is our burglar early warning system and deterrent: Boxers

Here is Cheyenne


Here is Apache
