Dont forget your chapstick...

Thanks for the link. Anyone else have a great list of uses for an item we probably already have?
Menthol Chapstick Is great to rub under your nose in smelly environs, like sewars and garbage filled city streets that you may need to navigate in shtf type situations.
Thanks reconseed. I always have chapstick in my kits, my car, and my coat pockets. Now I have way more uses for it :D
Vaseline, petroleum jelly.

Can be used for chapped lips, dry skin, start fires, cover a wound, lubricate a mechanism (folding knife, etc). You can find it in little squeeze tubes, doesn't take up much room, lots of uses.
Menthol Chapstick Is great to rub under your nose in smelly environs, like sewars and garbage filled city streets that you may need to navigate in shtf type situations.

It does keep you alert and help you breathe clearly, at least it seems that way to me. Bear in mind, you can likely be smellled a mile away , lol.

I spent a couple days of a week-long school-forest campout with chapped lips and no chapstick. It sucked. I finally swallowed my pride and borrowed fruity lip-gloss from a girl in my class! Definitely a must-have in the 1st aid or BOB kit.
I prefer the type of lip balm that comes in the little jars. Here in the desert the stick type melt and run when its hot out. Just MHO.
Here's another use that I stumbled upon out of necessity.

Sealing the frizzen of a flintlock rifle in the rain. Prime the pan, blow off any excess powder and rub Chapstick around the entire pan, seat the frizzen/pan cover in the grease. This worked great on a BP deer hunt in rainy weather. Of course you have to do this proceedure in a dry sheltered place. My rifle never failed to fire doing this. You just have to make sure you keep it clear of the touch hole. Mac
I prefer the type of lip balm that comes in the little jars. Here in the desert the stick type melt and run when its hot out. Just MHO.

Geez, I'm slapping my forehead, My sticks last through higher heat than most people would think but they do melt out, you made me realize I can just buy that product, or put a little Vaseline in a tiny sealed container that can sit flat, so that when it melts it still stays in it's container.

Gibson Fan is correct, Chapstick or Vaseline is important for lips and cheek bones.
I use plain Blistex in the little jar to cover cuts. I let the cut bleed out a little, wipe it down, then apply a coat of Blisitex... it prevents dirt and debris from getting to the cut, and acts pretty much like a second skin...also soothes the sting! A Band-Aid can't do that..

It works well on burns also.

I use the Blisitex mainly because it comes in a jar that makes it easier to get a big clump of it on your finger to apply...the 'stick' kinds are good for lips though.

The little Blistex jars seal tighter if you remove the paper 'liner' from inside the cover :thumbup:
Geez, I'm slapping my forehead.

Doh! Me too. Thanks for the thoughts on the small jars, guys. I had never thought of Blistex for sealing cuts, although I have used super glue. Stings like a b***h but it definitely works and keeps nasties out. (Don't ever get super glue even near your peepers, the fumes alone are really irritating.) I think Blistex sounds better!

I love the tinkering/adaptive tone of WSS... the things I've learned about vaseline and dental floss! Not to mention old prescription bottles... band-aid tins... inner tubes... :D
One other thing for chapstick... After the tube is empty, you've got a small container that's perfect for needles and pins.
For chapstick I always use Calendula ointment, insted of just moisturizing and protecting your lipps, it also heals the cracks. it substantially reduces healing time for cuts (MANY personal experiences) and it dosent contain chemicals. Its great on your nose if its cold out and has been running.

Its mostly a refined patrolium jelly, but the added Calendula really makes a big difference. I've converted everyone I know, usually just one use insted of chapstick completely sells them! make sure to get the ointment though, not the creem or jel.
BTW you can get it at co-ops and I think whole foods has it too (in there first aid section)
I'm married to a professional flutist and lip care is amazingly important, almost a nervous habit. The chapstick of choice after trying almost everything out there: 'Vitamin E Stick' purchased at Whole Foods. I don't know if this is heavy-duty enough for extreme weather. It contains soybean oil, candella wax, beeswax, castor, oil .... Vitamim E, olive oil and a few other things.
I'm married to a professional flutist and lip care is amazingly important, almost a nervous habit. The chapstick of choice after trying almost everything out there: 'Vitamin E Stick' purchased at Whole Foods. I don't know if this is heavy-duty enough for extreme weather. It contains soybean oil, candella wax, beeswax, castor, oil .... Vitamim E, olive oil and a few other things.

Cool, there is a Whole Foods not far from me, I 'll keep Vaseline in the car (Southern California heat) but I'll try Vitamin E stick at the house.
I never leave home without a tube or tin of Burts Bees


Beeswax, coconut oil, sunflower oil, tocopherol acetate & tocopherol(vitamin E), lanolin, peppermint oil, comfrey root extract, rosemary extract.

I would think you could also use chapstick / vaseline for handhold lube on your bowdrill.