
I have these special sock puppets...
They're for sale if you wish.
Indulgences are also still available.
Hey,Bruise, much you asking for an indulgence for fornication....and do you have a quanity discount on venial sins?
I've got special pricing on those Holy crackers...short shelf life, expiration date 2004. Email for pics.
Strix Varia said:
Hey,Bruise, much you asking for an indulgence for fornication....and do you have a quanity discount on venial sins?

Sorry, sold out. Got a couple of gluttonies left though. :)
I've got some Diet Water.....sugar free....low carbs....
Got a couple of gluttonies left though.

Do they come with book of all-you-can-eat buffet coupons?

hollowdweller said:
OK, so time for some deal of the days right?? Christmas specials?? ;)
Yes! And I who is on the other side of the globe have to wake up at about 2:30am Malaysian time .. it is about the time Uncle Bill always post the UBDOTD or UBBB! Whenever I fail to wake up during that time then I could only see word 'GONE' posted by Uncle Bill in the morning!

What's worse is being busy from 11:35-4:00 every week day. You just sit, watching the clock. It's frickin' torture man!

But when I get home in time or schedule changes on the right day, Oh, how good it is. :D
With a week off, we can only hope UB doesn't have to be re-trained on the specials. ;)