I am a resident of Sydney, Australia so this post is probably not relevant to the majority of Balde Forums members.
BUT...... reading this will hopefully help the American members of this forum appreciate how lucky they really are!
We here in Australia are being subject to tighter and tighter so called 'deadly weapons' laws. Since my interest in the blade began I have seen the following FEDERALLY outlawed: Balisongs, automatics, & double edge blades. It is also rumoured that the Commonwealth is considering banning folding knives that can be opened quickly and easily. This counts out just about everything except fingernail slits. As we speak there is a shipment of SOG Flashes sitting at the Queensland customs office awaiting return to the manufacturer because they were deemed to be automatic knives.
I am also a firearms enthusiast and in the last 5 years have witnessed Federal outlawing of the all semiautomatic rifles......the best we can hope for now is a bolt action with a maximum 5 round mag capacity. Our Federal government spent upwards of $500M buying back these firearms in 1996.
And of course the most recent news that the Federal Government is about to spend another $200M of taxpayers money on a Handgun buyback due mid-year and will include: All handguns with a barrel length less than 4.73 inches (no that not a typo!) with a limit on magazine capacity as in the States and strict limits on the number of guns an individual can own. Mandatory participation in regular sporting competitions will also be a reality as will extended (and I mean extended) waiting periods to acquire a firearm.
In fact, many poeple believe that as is currently the case in the United Kingdom, (public) firearms will be totally banned here by the end of the decade.
It is illegal to carry any kind of firearm, or knife in public anywhere in Australia (unless you are Police or special security). Batons and defense sprays are also banned.
I believe in America your States have much more power than they do here. Unfortunately we have to deal with a dictatorial Liberal (similar to Democrat only worse) leader who has been in power for the last 7 years and seems hell bent on wiping out the things many of us enjoy most in this life.
Makes me want to just pick up and move over there with you guys!
BUT...... reading this will hopefully help the American members of this forum appreciate how lucky they really are!
We here in Australia are being subject to tighter and tighter so called 'deadly weapons' laws. Since my interest in the blade began I have seen the following FEDERALLY outlawed: Balisongs, automatics, & double edge blades. It is also rumoured that the Commonwealth is considering banning folding knives that can be opened quickly and easily. This counts out just about everything except fingernail slits. As we speak there is a shipment of SOG Flashes sitting at the Queensland customs office awaiting return to the manufacturer because they were deemed to be automatic knives.
I am also a firearms enthusiast and in the last 5 years have witnessed Federal outlawing of the all semiautomatic rifles......the best we can hope for now is a bolt action with a maximum 5 round mag capacity. Our Federal government spent upwards of $500M buying back these firearms in 1996.
And of course the most recent news that the Federal Government is about to spend another $200M of taxpayers money on a Handgun buyback due mid-year and will include: All handguns with a barrel length less than 4.73 inches (no that not a typo!) with a limit on magazine capacity as in the States and strict limits on the number of guns an individual can own. Mandatory participation in regular sporting competitions will also be a reality as will extended (and I mean extended) waiting periods to acquire a firearm.
In fact, many poeple believe that as is currently the case in the United Kingdom, (public) firearms will be totally banned here by the end of the decade.
It is illegal to carry any kind of firearm, or knife in public anywhere in Australia (unless you are Police or special security). Batons and defense sprays are also banned.
I believe in America your States have much more power than they do here. Unfortunately we have to deal with a dictatorial Liberal (similar to Democrat only worse) leader who has been in power for the last 7 years and seems hell bent on wiping out the things many of us enjoy most in this life.
Makes me want to just pick up and move over there with you guys!