dremel w/ flex

Dec 14, 2000
has anyone used a dremel tool with flex shaft for engraving steel?

if so what are your opinions about it?
I've worn out a couple of dremel flex shafts and they have been great. I don't think they run smooth enough for fine engraving, but your hand may be more steady than mine. You have some vibration in the shaft to deal with at the same time.Or else I got some Monday made shafts.You can do much more work with your dremel using the flex shaft, and it will pay for itself very quickly.
John I'm with you on the flex shafts, there great. I have used mine to engrave a tomahawk haft, but that a far cry from metal engraveing.

A friend of mine has a rotory tool that is made for engraveing, it turns at I think 500,000 rpm, it is neumatic and has a special filter/water trap. I think the whole set up was like 200-250$. Even it won't do real fine engraveing but it's great for carveing.
I just started making knives, and I tried to practice some engraving on some welding steel with dremel engraving tips. It didn't work. :grumpy: Of course, I have the worst handwriting in the country too.

I ended up taking the knife I wanted down to a local trophy shop. It cost me $7.50 and I got a perfect deep engraving of "BURCHTREE" on the knife. I don't plan on selling my knives anytime soon, so I don't plan on engraving many.