Dress Folding Krembit

Dec 10, 1998
Since Krembits are becoming very popular I decided to make a folding one that was a little dressy. Blade is 2-1/2in made of Mike Norris stainless ladder pattern damascus. Bolsters are the same matching ladder pattern. Scales are Grade A+ goldlip mother of pearl. Blue anodized titanium liners. Fully fileworked backbar, screws and thumbstud. The Pearl was very thin so I backed each piece up with a piece of .040 titanium that is also fileworked all around and mirror polished. Overall length is 6-1/8 in. Action is extremely smooth.
Thanks for looking,
Beautiful Chuck. Is that top edge sharpened? I guess that could hurt in the pocket. I really like the idea of a dress Kerambit. Nice work. ec
Nice work!But technically speaking it needs to have a finger loop to be considered a kerambit or karambit.

Rick Haney Design