Drilling tempered 440C


Feb 9, 2003
I have a tempered and presharpened blade I got from someone..

I was curious as to if, I can modify the predrilled holds for the handles??

I initially tried a titanium bit, which worked ok for about 1/16 of an inch, then got dull, and the carbide bits I have don't seem to want to make the initial cut.

any suggestions..
They make carbide spade type bits for that very purpose, but they can get expensive. A cheaper alternative, if the size is available, would be to get a masonary bit.
I have never had problems with carbide drill bits going thru hardened steel. Just be sure you use a drill press. High Speed Steel (HSS) and cobalt bits just won't cut it.

You can get the carbide bits from MSC, Wholesale Tool, Graingers, etc. Clamp the piece and wear leather gloves. Instead of shavings you get steel splinters. Use cutting fluid.