Dropped my HR

Jul 6, 2006
I was in my garage earlier today. I had nothing better to do so I decided to give my HR a little workout and split some wood. I spent about a good thirty minutes splitting wood, by the way the HR is an excellent knife to split wood in my opinion. I like using my Ratweiler because it is heavier and chops better. But when splitting I usually end having to baton and the slimmer HR is great for this in my opinion. Anyway, I was cleaning all the residue of the blade, a rag in one hand and a bottle of WD-40 and the HR in the other, when I lost grip of the oily blade. It slammed down hitting the lanyard hole guard near the choil and the blade simultaneously. I cringed! However the blade was perfect,a tiny blunting wear it impacted (but you have to really look close almost microscopic). The choil had a bit of smoothing on he coating. In short INFI "rocks"! will post pics later.
That's what makes these knives great!!! No worries and No Regrets.
I was afraid you were going to post a picture of a severed toe. :eek:

Glad all is okay. :thumbup:
Yep, INFI is tough alright :thumbup:

A few months ago I was out in the woods and used my HR to chop small branches off a tree. I was careless for a moment and completely missed a branch, and the HR went straight into a solid granite rock with full force! Sparks went flying and a small piece of the rock was actually cut off :eek: Now there was a chip in the HR's edge, but it's small enough that I expect it to disappear within the next few sharpenings :) I was expecting much worse, even though I knew INFI is the best cutlery steel in the world. Now I know how tough it truly is :)
Infi is the toughest steel I know of. If you break it you better be dead because it takes a nuke to break it...:eek:
Yeah it did take a small chunk out of the concrete floor. Awesome steel. I thought about taking it to a brick I had laying near by, but even thought I know it could handle it.....I just like my HR too much.
Probably need INFI toed boots, pretty sure that HR will go right through "standard" steel toed boots..