Dull finish on the wood..............


Jul 20, 2000
I received my large wood inlaid Classic back at the first of April and was not sure that I would be keeping it. It had all the qualities of the Sebenza's that I already had except that the wood inserts, Madagascar Rosewood were DULL!:eek: I debated on keeping it and finally decided too. I only got it out a few weeks ago and began to carry it. Boy am I glad I kept it. It has really grown on me and has allowed my leather insert Classic a bit of a rest!

I finally decided to try and do something about the dull finish on the wood and ended up with something NICE! I know that the wood inserts on the Classics won't have as much "character" as the Wood insert Regulars due to being much smaller pieces. What I did was to take some 800 grit wet/dry paper and lightly buff the surface of the wood inserts, being VERY careful not to contact the titanium frame. The way the wood is cut made it easy since the surface is level. After this I took my trusty Dremel tool with a felt buffing wheel and polishing compound and proceeded to finish it up. Followed this with some Ren. Wax and a final buffing. What I ended up with was a high luster look with some light and dark streaks showing.

I was extremely pleased with the final product and have come to appreciate the wooy's of CRK a little bit more:D :D :D !