Durba, continued from the Himalayan Imports Forum.

May 18, 1999
And as far as Durba goes he won't be coming back.:rolleyes: :(
On a still quiet dark night Durba was spaceknapped, beamed from his bed on a ray of light by aliens in a UFO.
It seems that Durba was the offspring of an abductee 5,000 years old and had extremely unusual longevity genes.
It seems the aliens had been looking for the offspring of the 5,000 year old abductee for 4,998 years.
There computer just happened to be downloaded with Microft Windoz Minus-9898 and it crashed horribly.
The alien's UFO just barely made it back home with information that there was an offspring.
It seems that we are way ahead of the aliens computer wise with the advent of the Mac and of course the un-named US Government model which is so top secret it doesn't even exist.;)
Here and I thought the ailiens only really came here for Plastics and Cocaine.
I've been worrying of late my writing goes too far out. I see now I need not have feared. Yvsa; you're so far out I'm sending the Isralis and Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen not to rescue you, but to record and map wherever the heck you've been. We need to put up a few more micro-wave sending dishes out there.

munk said:
but to record and map wherever the heck you've been.


I've not been posting much because I have somehow picked up an infection and it has settled in the left lymph node gland in my neck and I have been in serious, extremely serious PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The swelling has went down a little but for a while it looked like I had a raquet or tennis ball embedded in my neck!!!!!!!!!!!:( :mad:
If my back had ever hurt this bad I may not have made it this long.:thumbdn: :o
The pain does subside and is now bearable most of the time, that is until I try to eat something.:mad:
Trying to chew anything that has any substance to it at all sets up excruciateing PAIN so I haven't eaten much since Monday when it first started swelling.
My Barbie is making meatloaf and mashed taters and gravy for me tonight so that maybe I can get something more nutricious down than I've been able to up 'till now.
I can eat a little and then have to go lay down and put pressure and heat on my neck and jaw until the pain subsides enough to try and eat a little more.
It's not hardly worth the effort!!!!!!!!!!:thumbdn: :mad: :(
Barbie heated up a rice sock today for me and that helped a lot to ease the pain from chewing.:thumbup:
This has happened before and is usually better after a couple of days on antibiotics.
I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and started antibiotics Tuesday evening so it should've been much better by now.
If it isn't much better by Monday you can betcherarse that me and the Dr. is gonna have a long serious talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
Darn. I hate spine pain. Prayers for you, Yvsa. My old man is having disk trouble in his neck.

Yvsa said:
Trying to chew anything that has any substance to it at all sets up excruciateing PAIN so I haven't eaten much since Monday when it first started swelling.

Try putting the food in a blender and blending it to mush. A powerful one like a vita-mix works best.
Originally Posted by Howard Wallace - Try putting the food in a blender and blending it to mush.

Good idea. Just be very careful what you blend!

Once, me with abscessed tooth eating gruel, while rest of family
scoffed flounder, chips & egg with green peas. Whined so loud & long, that wifey, leapt up, slammed her meal in the blender & whizzed it up. She said "here my dearest, eat this and be happy"
Or words to that effect - may have been shorter & sharper:confused:

Moral is; A whinge in haste is a disgusting waste.:barf:
Originally Posted by Yvsa..betcherarse that me and the Dr. is gonna have a long serious talk

The right meds, the difference between crutches & walking.

These days there is some seriously good sh*t out there.

When these young smartarses hit 60+, minds will be changed:p

'till then, they will have to guess as to their future:D
Smoke for you Yvsa:( Have you tried the meal-in-a-can thing like Ensure or something like that? At least you'd get something somewhat balanced in you, and you wouldn't have to chew it. Anyway, keep us posted.

Steely_Gunz said:
Smoke for you Yvsa:(

Anyway, keep us posted.


Thanks all for the Smoke. It is slightly better today. I ate some eggs and soft toast this morning with only a little stab of pain. Lunch was some homemade chicken noodle soup and an orange that was peeled and sliced with AlsoSalt on it. Barbie had to heat the rice sock up for me so I could get it down.
I'm not gonna starve but decideing whether or not to try and eat can be a huge decision when one has this kind of pain.
Thankfully my back isn't hurting over a 3 on a 1 to 10 scale now ever!!!!
One of my big problems is I have no idea where this came from. My teeth are all fine and I have no sores in my mouth so should be no source of infection for this gland to swell up.
It's down to about the size of a Banty Chicken's Egg now but still sore as hell.:rolleyes: :(
aproy1101 said:
Here and I thought the ailiens only really came here for Plastics and Cocaine.

They also are in dire need of the silicone body implants that cosmetic surgeons use. Seems that on Planet Neener Wiener they just can't do with out that full figured look...
I thought life on Neener Weiner was silicone based. They probably use the water inplants.

Smoke for you Yvsa. I would think antibiotics are necessary here though.
Try Carnation Instant Breakfast. It taste better, is cheaper than and has the same nutritional value as Ensure.
i believed everything up until you started talking about mac's, then i knew it was all fiction....:D

anyway, hope you get feeling better, i have an small inkling of what you're feeling as i have an ear infection at the moment.....
Hope you are feeling better Ysva.

Pain truly sucks....................
I can't believe this! Mashed food, blendered food, artificial food drinks ... this is the perfect opportunity to go a steady diet of jello and ice cream !!!

Worked for me when I had my tonsils out ... :)

Heal, heal! :grumpy:
Yvsa, It's about time you get a break from all this nonsense. We'll be praying for you to get better really fast. :(