dynamic duo...

Ever since I got my BM 720, I've been a very happy camper. So when they brought out the 721, I just had to get one. See below.


So far, the 720 has been outstanding. I just spent a week setting up some laboratory equipment that has a bunch of stiff, heavy, thck-walled tubing connected to it called bevline. This stuff is not easy to cut but the 720 was up to the task and sliced through this tubing all week long without sharpening. Everyone in the lab had to borrow my 720 to cut tubing.

The BM 721 hasn't disappointed me. It is tight but smooth. No slop in the pivot. It opens like you would expect an axis lock to open: effortlessly. The grind lines are even and fit and finish are excellent. The edge is shaving sharp but the bevel is not symmetrical. No problem for me since I will reprofile the edge to 19 degrees anyway.

One difference between the 720 and 721 I noticed right away is that the 721 is lighter. Therefore it should ride in my pocket a little easier. Also, the G10 should be a little more comfy to use in the field in the winter. The G10 finish is very grippy and should be easy to hang on to for wet work.

Otherwise, I can't tell much difference between the two. Both are excellent general-purpose utility folders that should stand up to heavy use for a long, long time.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
May 9, 2000
Thanks for taking the time to do this review. I have been looking at getting a BM 721 so this has been very helpful.
