Eagerly awaiting a Fulcrum IId

Dec 29, 1998
I'm expecting a Fulcrum IId to be delivered sometime this week. Can't wait. I'm 36 years old but feel like a little kid a few days before Christmas. Brownie mailed it on Saturday so I guess there's a glimmer of hope that it might arrive on Tuesday. If not, then Wednesday or Thursday should be the delivery day. I'll let everyone know when it arrives and what my initial reactions are.

I know the feeling. Got my first ER from One Stop and felt tempted to drive from NH to KY to go get it. ER folders are both refined and primal. You should be very impressed.
Finally got my F2D in the mail. I can see what y'all have been talking about. It is a serious tool. Next stop, disassembly.:eek:
Thanks Brownie. I guess I can stop looking out the window waiting for the mailman to arrive. I'll resume my obsessive behavior tomorrow.
