Ebay copy!

The EBay seller is the one saying it is a sebbie copy and then in his description he compares the quality to kershaw or Gerber or better. This is wrong and he shouldnt be saying it as far as I see it.This knife isnt even close other than handle shape and when you hold one you would just laugh at anyone that would compare it to a sebbie.While it might seem to be a copy it is not.I just bought one of these knives today and it is a sweet little knife.It is a liner lock and has shimmery sort of texture on the handle.Which by the way isnt G 10 like the seller says it is aircraft aluminum.The blade is titanium nitrate coated and the blade is shaving sharp.It has a nice clip that rides high and hides the whole knife when clipped to the pocket.And it is very light.It has a shape sort of similar to the sebbie but belive me that is as close as it gets.It is a 40 to 50 dollar inexpensive knife that seems to be worth every penny.It is a new line of knives that are being marketed and the main office is in So Cal.I picked one up from Dennis at Wright Knife today and he speaks highly of them thats why I bought one.Plus my wife loved it and is now carrying it.Dennis carries a large or small or sometimes both sebbies at all times and if they were marketing it as a comparable knife he wouldnt be carrying them.I am setting here and holding this new V Tech my small Sebenza and a benchmade 750s and while the 750s is alot closer to the Sebenza than the V Tech it isnt close enough to call it a copy as far as I am concerned and the VTech is way off.These are all nice knives and I am glad I bought each one but, I bought each one because of their worth to me and not because it was a Sebbie copy.Anyone that has a Sebbie,held one or is just lusting after one shouldnt be alarmed so far there is nothing close and this EBay seller is a jackass and should be told.I already sent them an email about my displeasure.I hate to see this sort of thing because the VTech is a nice lightwieght sharp comfortable knife that is going to get a bad rap this way. I could be wrong but I have been told thats why Benchmade stopped making the 750.They thought they would capture the Sebenza market with it and its price but no go.Gosh I wonder why?This will probably make the Benchmade collectors mad but that is what I heard and from more than one legit source.I love my 750 this new VTech and My Sebbie but my pennies are being saved for a big brother for the little Sebbie next.............RB (edited to try to help my awfull spelling)
A CRKT Sebenza with a nylon frame and
even the Sebenza on the blade.







It was made by CRKT but they don´t could
made it with that quality Mr Reeve ask
for so they never come to prouduction.

A little rare and fun to have beside
the real ones.



Buy a professional camera and you´re a professional
photographer, buy a flute and you own a flute.
What is the idea behind the CRKT copy? It isnt a collaberation as it is so very close looking. What is the deal? Give us a little more info.Not that I want it you just have me curious. Where did you get it? .................RB
I think the CRKT one is a joint venture that never reached the quality Chris wanted so it was cancelled. But a few leaked out.

As for the vtech one, it's so similar in looks, even if not as well done, it's still a copy.

Shame on someone for making, selling and buying it.

And especcially shame on the ebay seller because they don't explicitly say it's a copy.
Originally posted by DaveH

As for the vtech one, it's so similar in looks, even if not as well done, it's still a copy.

Shame on someone for making, selling and buying it.

And especcially shame on the ebay seller because they don't explicitly say it's a copy.
Your right they call it a Sebenza.And so what your saying is the Ebay seller has made up your mind about this knife without looking at it other than a lousy picture and there selling statement and tactics.That you can make a legitamite decsion like this.That is exactly the the thing I was trying to say in my first post.This knife will get a bad rap because people would rather believe what a cheat on EBay said.If you would do a search you would find that V Tech has put out a whole line of knives so they arent depending on one knife to make it for them because it looks like a sebbie.Myself I like the knife but then I took time to look at one.In fact when I bought it I stood and handled at least eight Sebenzas and the thought never even occured to me that this might be another knife companys attempt at the Sebenza market. Because like I said before if you handle one you would see it insnt even close.I couldnt care less if the knife was never made all I am trying to point out is dont let some unscrupulous seller bias you before you can make up your mind for yourself.It is a knife company that is putting out six or seven new inexpensive but better than usual quality knives.I say good because I carry a semi to expensive folder as well as a inexpensive folder at the same time for a whole variety of reasons and this just gives more choices.When it comes to quality there is only one Sebenza.Damn how many companys copy similarities of others.How many pairs of jeans do you have that look like Levi/strauss or shoes or cars or dishes or eyeglasses/sunglasses how many times have you bought something that looked like the real thing but you didnt have the money or couldnt find the right size and had to settle.My god I bet with little effort you could come up with quite a few knives that look like others.That kind of thinking without seeing for yourself dosent make since to me as I would rather make up my own mind.Knifenuts want to call the general public sheeple and I am guilty off this myself but what do you call jumping on the.The picture looks close so it must be a copy and shame on them bandwagon.If that isnt letting someone make up your mind and being a sheeple what is...........RB
I emailed the seller and he said (There...I made a few changes in my ad. You happy now? ) and he did but is still hanging on to the Sebenza statement.It now reads Identical shape/style to a Chris Reeve Sebenza Classic except it has a liner lock, not the integral frame lock. So, for the concerned out there, a quasi-copy of a Sebenza Classic.I wonder why he would change it at all if he didnt know it was a lie.And still call it identical style? I had a car dealer tell me this is the Mercedes of the Kia line.I had a salesperson tell me this is the Caddilac of the mattress market.Hell mattreses all looked a like but I compared them myself and made up my own mind.
blackeye4you, sorry that you might have taken it personally. Everyone makes choices. I still think that such an obvious visual copy is wrong, regardless of how well, or not, it's executed.
Actually, I've handled one of those. They are fairly well made.

Only thing is, MSRP is $49.99, so I would hope to get it for a fair bit less. It might be worth it if it was cheaper.
Dave H, I wasnt offended or hurtI just think it is a shame that this person on ebay had to sell this way.I think copying someone else"s hard work is wrong also.Like I said this knife dosent even come close to a Sebenza but is a nice little knife.I dont sell them or have a interest in the company.It was the shame on me statement that got me I guess.I also am entitled to my opinion. They are out there and they are selling and most of the people buying them dont know what a Sebenza is and probably never will.This knife works well for the group of people that would never buy a knife that cost more than 50 bucks but expect a well built knife.I get a little passionate about things at times and realize different opinons and ways of thinking are what make this world interesting.If I was offensive or offended anyone I apoligize.My wife thinks I am crazy when I can sit and check every millimeter of a knife, open and close it dozens of times and be like a kid with a new toy. Untill yesterday when she held the VTech and flicked it open and looked up at me with that ear to ear grin we all get.She had never done that before and now I think she's hooked.First thing this morning I went out to get coffee and on my way to the kitchen I could hear snapping.There she stood with a cup of coffee and an open knife in her hand just as pleased with herself as she could be.:D im2smrt4u,I think it is a little high also and that is what I paid.I have seen it a couple of dollars cheaper and believe it is the most expensive of the line.They have a seven plus inch folder that only runs 29 bucks but dosent have the better materials. Oh well have a good day.............RB (trying to help bad spelling edit)