EDC 154CM Vs Can of button mushrooms!

Jun 6, 2000
After the somewhat infamous hot dog can killing I have been doing, I tried this sweet little knife out on a can of button mushrooms.

It is of great credit IMHO that a small knife like this can handle such a task with ease. No fear of lock failure and the tip suffered no damage. The worst than can be said is slight edge dulling and a couple of tiny tiny nicks in the edge of avout 1/3 of 1mm in depth. Hardly noticable! That damage was probably due to my opening style, which is quite torqy...:)

By far the best results so far for a folding knife in my tests.:)

Great job!
Well...funny you ask that... I was seriously thinking about trying both it and my large Benza for this test... No seriously. The one thing stopping me is that such a test WILL damage the finish of the knife and to me part of the appeal of Damascus steel is the visual appeal.