EDC packs!


Part Time Knifemaker, Moderator
Sep 10, 2007
I am getting my EDC pack together with some help from fellow forum members and would love to see what you guys are using and what you are packing inside. What are your essentials? I will get mine together and post up pics soon.
Man oh man, this could become a long thread. Should be pretty good though.
Glock 27 or S&W 642, one extra mag and/or one extra speedloader.............;).

It's the 'ole dog, new tricks thing....................:D.

I may have to rethink that a bit however, especially after acquiring some mighty fine Mr. Bill blades.........LOL.
I would put a 4sevens preon 2 in there with some spare Battery's
And you can never Goering with a multiple tool and a few first aid items. Nutnfancy has some good edc videos on YouTube if you aren't familure with him you should check itout
Two flashlights of your choice, spare battiers, lighter or stormproof matches, knife ofcourse.
First aid kit (band-aids at least), hand sanitizer or wipes, multi-tool, phone charger, pen and pad.
Dental floss, pain relief (asprin, ibprofen, etc).
Some of the small stuff you'll need is in a USPS mail truck,between here & there!
Will need a Zebralight headlamp; I'd recommend the H51W.
Outrageous output in an unbelievably tiny AA package.
Because: there's always times you need a light,but need both hands free.
In 10 minutes after you adjust the headband,you'll have forgotten it's there.

Check out fellow Heathen: Tod.
Google: illuminationgear.com .
Fast,free shipping....my last 12 flashlight purchases have been from him.
I cant wait Gnarly! Thanks again.
I have a decent setup started so far
Maxpedition Falcon 2
Maxpedition bottle holder
first aid kit
fire essentials
graph paper and pencil
emergency blanket
spare contacts
nail clippers...a must!
some condoms...not for that. Havent used one of those for many many years
glow sticks

I am in need of a good water bottle, bow drill kit, fishing kit, and some molle straps or like product. Im going to make the bow drill soon. Any recommendations on a water bottle that wont leak?
Hard to beat a Nalgene water bottle. You may want to add a small bottle of contact solutoin or re-wetting
drops. A lot of people use spare contact cases to carry vaseline or lotion.
Hard to beat a Nalgene water bottle. You may want to add a small bottle of contact solutoin or re-wetting
drops. A lot of people use spare contact cases to carry vaseline or lotion.
I cant wait Gnarly! Thanks again.
I have a decent setup started so far
Maxpedition Falcon 2
Maxpedition bottle holder
first aid kit
fire essentials
graph paper and pencil
emergency blanket
spare contacts
nail clippers...a must!
some condoms...not for that. Havent used one of those for many many years
glow sticks

I am in need of a good water bottle, bow drill kit, fishing kit, and some molle straps or like product. Im going to make the bow drill soon. Any recommendations on a water bottle that wont leak?

Ummm, I meant the hiking part :barf:
KFU, make sure you posts some pics up when you get that bad boy finished. Would like to see how it all turned out for you . . . . . :thumbup:
Be safe.
ok...this is right up my alley. I will get a post together for my EDC/Car Bag.
ok so my EDC bag is my maxpedition bottle holder kit. Currently it is in about a million pieces on my floor. I took it out again last weekend for a day hike and realized it was overkill for jsut going out for the day. My plan is to make a bare minimum EDC/Survival kit system i can have on me at all times while in the woods. Then I plan to move up to the bottle holder kit for 1-2 night trips, and them I will include pictures of my >3 night trip kit which will include my Maxpedition Condor II backpack. Bare with me because its gonna take me a while to get everything laid out for pictures and then put back to in its proper place. I already have a review of my bottle holder kit posted up in W&SS. You can check it out here...http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/s...tion-Bottle-holder-kit-review-and-pics/page22 . Mine starts at post #433. THere have been some modifications, but I will point those out as I put this post together. If any of you guys have the time to do this I am always interested to see other peoples kit. I find thats how you get some of the best ideas for your own.