EDC throwers?


Dec 23, 1999
I'm looking for a new fixed blade that I can carry everyday and use daily that would also make a decent thrower. Are there any knives, fixed or folding, that are EDCs and make decent throwers?
I've thought about this a bit too. The difficult thing is finding something that will fly well and still be small enough to be legal wherever you are. Texas has some fairly lax knife laws so I've started carrying one of my mini-Hibben throwers. It's small, light, and takes a pretty good edge. I can't get it razor sharp, then again my sharpening skills aren't very developed and they weren't intended for that anyway. Almost any of Hibben's smaller range would probably make good EDC's if you want to go that way. Most other small throwers are total crap.
I was thinking of buying and carrying a couple of Camillus Cuda Arclites. Anyone ever throw these?

I'm interested in the idea of throwing arclites. From what I hear they're pretty good knives for the price, but I'm not sure if they're too light to throw. Let us know what you think if you give it a try. I also saw the L&H Ace in the Hole here. It's marketed as a great thrower and edc, but I've never held one before and the price is kinda high for your average throwing knife.

Pic from throwzini.com.
edc is tough with throwers. I agree with the gil hibbens--they are still a little light. There is nothing like a larger well balanced thrower! You just have to think more on closer range throwing or more turns with the lighter ones unless you are really good with controlling the turns.
Dangit, you beat me to the arclite....
I guess i would suggest a bowie, if you like that style
I have one of those L&H knives. It is handle-heavy so throws well from the blade, but not so easily from the handle. Would indeed work as a small fixed EDC that can also be thrown, but the very thing that makes it work as a thrower - WEIGHT - can make it a little impractical to carry around all day. Not that it is so heavy as it is a small knife after all (I can only get 3 fingers on the handle and I have a small hand), but it is heavy for its size.

currently i use the CRKT Hammond ABC as my throwing knife. for cutting i don't like this knife at all, because i think the AUS-8 steel is made of very poor quality (it just can't hold the edge, neither it can be brought to a satisfying level of sharpness) but for throwing exercises it just does a good job.

regards, holger