
Jul 29, 2002
I have to say that some how I have gotten attached to my 154cm edc. I originally bought three of the 420 models, two of which ended up being defective (which will took care of!!). They had ended up sending me two 154cm to replace them (very nice!!!). well Ive never have used them much until a few months ago. Now I find myself carrying it more than my regular edcs. Its much smaller than what I usually carry, but I continually find out that it handles most jobs the other larger edcs I carry do! and somewhat better!!!

I like the edc so much now that Ive ordered the russell d-2 version now, not too mention the d-2 arclite also!! and who knows after that? its funny to me how a small framelock has such a well designed blade shape, profile, ect.
Originally posted by rev_jch
Its much smaller than what I usually carry, but I continually find out that it handles most jobs the other larger edcs I carry do! and somewhat better!!!

Same here. My usual EDC's have between a 3.5 and 4 inch blade. I find that the Camillus EDC cuts bigger than it is. I carry it quite often. Of course I would still like to see Camillus make a larger version. :D
a larger version? yes, me too!!! that would be awesome!!!

I could use it as a camp knife!!!! :) although I will be using the d2 arclite I ordered as a knife for camping!!! (course I still have to take my big country kampr with me!!) :D
I love mine too and have bought several as gifts BUT, like all of us, I'd love to see a bigger version too. With Darrel phasing out the EDC it would be PERFECT to have a prodo replacement!!