EDC3 -- Fighter VS Domintor?

Nov 11, 2002
Thinking on an Darrel Ralph EDC3, but not exactly sure on what blade style to get. The Domintor Blade (drop point) or the Fighter Blade(upswept tip)?
I am leaning towards the Domintor Blade Style, but what are any of your thoughts here regarding this?

I guess some of it would depend if there is any specific task you will use the knife for day in and day out. If not and it is to be a "do whatever pops up" type of edc, as mine are, then I would go with whichever one is more visually appealing to you. I have always liked the Dominator style from Darrel.
My EDC has the Dominator blade style. I wanted the stronger tip, knowing the knife would see some rough use (which it has), but it is mostly used for slicing cardboard and hose, and I have sometimes missed having a finer tip.
Probably a good idea to make up a list of your intended uses, and think about which would be better for you.
Alot of people like the fighter's lines, but I've always thought the Dominator looked :cool: