'Edge 2000' still available for older Nighthawks?

Feb 5, 2003
I read some posts the other day about applying the 'Edge 2000' to older model Knighthawks...I was wondering if this is still available?

I have a Knighthawk I picked up from a sporting goods store back in 1996(?), and from what I understood from the post I read, that was before the 'Edge 2000' was available.

One concern I have deals with the fact that I have no paperwork for the knife from the time of purchase. The knife was a 'display model' I was told...so it was being sold for only $5 (I actually got two of them...one bead blasted and the other black coated). Anyway, there were no boxes (paperwork) and no sheaths. Without this information, would I still be able to have the 'Edge 2000' applied to my blade? And how much will it cost?

Thanks for your time and a great product.

You'll be able to have your Nighthawk reprofiled to Edge 2000. Edge 2000 has been renamed Edge 2x. You won't need any paperwork at all. Don't quote me, but I believe it will cost you $5. Email Joe Houser(JHouser@buckknives.com) and he'll be able to fix you up.

Thanks so much for the info! I have a 'Basic Survival' class coming up in another week that I will be helping out with, but as soon as I finish that I'll have to see about getting it done.

Thanks again.
John is correct that we still do offer the E2X service. Please email me and we will see about getting this done. It sounds like you might need a couple of sheaths as well? FYI, i will be gone from 2/23 through 3/11.
Take care,