edge pro copy

Ok, I'm in. New seller by the name of Ijustwanttobuysometights on evil bay has the edge pro clone with 4 stones for $11.99 with free shipping. How far wrong can I go really? For less than a decent pizza I'll give it a shot. If it doesn't suck, I'll likely be bucking up $16 for the stones Bodog suggested.

For whatever it's worth I've not heard any good things about the one you're looking at for 12 bucks. The only one I've seen get decent reviews is the one with the single suction cup base.
My expectations aren't that high. I appreciate the heads up though. I was planning on having to fiddle a bit to make it work. Heck, the stones are probably worth $12. If I can make it work acceptably, bonus. I'm guessing a custom base will help matters.