Sure, the first tip is "don't tell your friends you own one." During the first few months I had mine, I had as many as twenty knives at any given time on my work area every weekend. After 350 knives, I cashed out a 180 series grit, then I started asking for contributions for stones and tapes. Secondly, if a knife is about 3 to 3.5 inches long, hold the knife to the bed in a 'three-way lock-up.' That is, (1)hold the knife firmly, but not too tight against the edge of the bed and the knife's handle or opening stud, (2)the spine firmly against the adjustable slding lock, and (3)press the flat of the knife down against the bed with your thumb. If the knife is rigid, don't slide it as in the video instructions, just leave it in this one place. Go lightly, work a burr evenly until the rasping sound drops to a soft whisper and the 'drag' against the stone feels uniform. After the finest stone has been used, strop to remove any wire edge. Then go back to the Edge-Pro with the polishing tapes, but press lightly! The tapes can be cut easily! But the best advice is to NOT GET SNOOTY. Other knuts don't know what a really sharp knife is, so be humble, and don't brag...--OKG