EDI Genesis Linerlock failing

Apr 20, 1999
I own an EDI Genesis plain edge coated. I carry it with me where everI go.

But sometimes, when I apply a slight pressure or tap the back of the blade (when the blade is open) the blade tends to slipped off the linerlock. How do I tune the knife to overcome this problem? Or is this a manufacturer defect?
Defect, send it back

My first Genesis I did exactley the same thing.

I do not know what the contact procedure is now that Will Fennel has left so I sugest you check out their web site for the warranty contact details.

Edge Design, Inc.
ATTN: Customer Service
University Club Tower
Suite 1950
1034 S. Brentwood Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63117-1219
(314) 863-3343

Harvey Wareham

Live Long & Prosper, so you can buy more knives

Really? Heh, the one I have now, is kind of the opposite. I went to close mine just last night, and it was stuck! linear lock wouldn't pull out. Finally got it, blade didn't break or anything, but it sure got lodged in there well...
I had the same thing happen to mine, I sent it back. I spoke on the phone to customer service, what happened was a number of blades were ground wrong and the angles of the liner and where they met the blade to lock up were not correct. Instead of re-grinding the blades, they are fitting to liners to new blades. I sent in a BB blade and got a brand new black knife. It is rock solid, performs quite well. Give them a call and they will have you send it in to them. Their main goal is that the customer is happy.
Tuff - My second replacement does the same thing, the liner is really hard to disengage especially if you flick open

I figured that I did not mind as it is less likely to close when I do not want it to.

Harvey Wareham

Live Long & Prosper, so you can buy more knives
