Mine got here, here is some more details.
The clip can be put on either side, and rides really low. Clip on this knife is a 10 (10 being best). I have it as my left handed knife and put the clip on the left side (left side from the looking at the spine of the blade). There isn't much of a thumb pivot to really hold it while stabbing something, so it's stabbing abilities are about a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Blade si black ti coat, plain version. I like this blade plain better, because I found the serrations on the serrated version to be ok at best. The plain blade is really good though. It's made of ATS-34. Not too thick, only 1/8. Feels thin compared to my Cuda. The blade is durable, but it's not a real beater knife (thou a lot of folders aren't). Blae overall I give a 7 1/2. It'd be a good filet knife, it looks like one to me at least.
The linear lock on it I didn't put through a serios workout (I never do with any folders, don't use em for anything heavy enough that would break em - and I don't wanan break it)
I whacked it 4 times across a 2X4 - decent whacks, last one full force, and it held.
It held, it gets a 10.
Overall, I like this knife. I've liked it for a while. Worth buying? I would say so.
I like my Cuda better still (has serations) but this knife will be my left hand knife over my Benchmade Stryker.