EDI Paratus

Jun 24, 1999
Has anyone seen the EDI fixed blade the Paratus. I've been hearing about for ssome time but no pictures.

Two suggestions:
- do a search here on the keyword Paratus and you'll recover a number of threads discussing the blade, some with jpegs
- go to the EDI website to see if the manufacturers info if available

As far as actually seeing the knife upfront and personnel, I am unaware of any dealers having received stock as yet. The blade was viewed at shows like the BLADE show but other than that. Ditto for the exotic blade versions of the Genesis I (e.g. A2 and Talonite).


I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

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[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 12 September 1999).]
It isn't out yet. I spoke with the folks at EDI last week and they said it should be out around the first week of October. But, it has been delayed a few times.

I think, but I am not sure, that www.chaicutlery.com has a pic of it.

Here's a picture I took with my digital camera of a prototype at the Blade Show.


I haven't seen any production versions yet.

AKTI Member # SA00001