Jim March

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 7, 1998
Click over to "Shop Talk" and find a thread titled "New lock design for comment, free to good home" - Microtech is *using* a lock I designed. No, I *don't* know if they independently discovered it or not, I hope to find out...?

Jim March

I do remember your earlier post about 'free lock design'. Yeah, make an effort to find out. Let's give credit where credit is do.
Hope you realize some benefit fom this. Ego boost? Absolutely! Nice going pal.

Ron Knight
Jim; you should reconsider your 'free to good home' policy. If company used your design, you could make a few bucks in royalties. I know you are not mercenary, but it must have cost you near a week's pay to send that subspace message to the Klingon Home World informing your friends and family of your success!
Jim I feel you should get the first knife made. Especially since you do not want any money for the design. I want to know if they flat used your idea or if they developed at about the same time. I would have to say they used based on your drawings and the pictures of their knives. I have never ha an MT but I want one of these. I think you had a great idea and suspect it will much better than a regular liner lock. If memory serves coil springs are superior to leaf type springs especially if they are made from piano wire which I will assume is what they would have used. So MT what's the story? Inquireing minds want to know! =)

PS How do you do those smiley faces anyway?


Tom Carey
Tom: These
faces are a colon followed by an uppercase "D". There's a whole series, see the faqs.

On this lockwork: the spring can be coil or on theory, it could be a leaf spring of some kind...any spring that pushes the bar into action will do. There was some guesswork on one site about "variable user-adjustable tension" way to do that would be to taper the screw-in pivot pin but I can't see how that wouldn't loosen up. Or...different pivot pin thicknesses!? THAT would work.

The basic idea of using a bar to lock the blade that is too tough to flex is good, it overcomes the biggest reason for linerlock failure IMHO. But I DO NOT expect royalties. A free knife *maybe*, that'd be cool...but I *said* "free to good home" and meant it.

Jim March
Hi Jim,

I think a free knife is the least they can do. You certainly deserve at least that much since you didn't ask for royalties.

And hey, how about some glory. Let's get it named after you. The Jim March Lock. You know, like the Michael Walker liner lock.

Ron Knight
Hi Jim,

I think a free knife is the least they can do. You certainly deserve at least that much since you didn't ask for royalties.

And hey, how about some glory. Let's get it named after you. The Jim March Pivot Lock. You know, like the Michael Walker Liner Lock.

Ron Knight