Elgin Military Museum Port Stanley Knifeshow Review 30+ Pics!


Aug 24, 1999
In my humble show-going experience (7 shows), the inaugural “Elgin Military Museum Knife Show” was a success.

Considering that this was the first knife show put on by the museum (and the first show in Port Stanley, AFAIK), the turnout was very impressive, both in terms of the number of visitors and the number of makers represented. It was great to be a part of this historic event!

The show had something for everyone. Collectors looking for art knives from the most established makers were certainly not disappointed. After all, there were a lot of “world class” knives on scene. Wolfgang Loerchner, one of the best art knife makers in the world, had four knives on display.


remember, these are made completely by hand with a file…no grinders!


Brian Tighe, who is equally well-known for his tacticals and his dressed-up folders, brought a bit of each genre with two “My Tighes”, a “Tighe Stick”, two Tighe Tacs, and two art folders.


Fellow forumite, Murray White, had an incredible display of 24 forged knives by makers such as Brian Lyttle, Nick Wheeler, Larry Fuegen, Zaza Revishvili, Bailey Bradshaw, Bill Burke, John W. Smith, and many others. In my view, it was a very good idea for the Elgin Museum to allow collectors to display at the show. In any case, I was amazed by the number of young people looking at Murray’s knives…clearly this was not a tactical crowd! (not a single person asked about the Mad Dog Panther strapped to my back!)



Randy Doucette picked up an award for one of his subhilts.

Here’s Randy (red shirt)


And some of his knives



L. Maulson


Those looking for tacticals were also not disappointed. Knifemaker (and active fireman) James McGowan had his usual great selection of tacticals, including one of the most interesting knives of the show, the MAK 1 prototype. This square tipped “breaching tool/rescue knife” is designed for serious prying or for smashing windows with two integrated glass breakers.

The MAK 1


James’ table


James Wade also had a nice selection of cord-wrapped, G10, and linen micarta tacticals. James is working on several new designs to be unveiled at upcoming CKG shows.





Eric Elson with his limb lopper, fixed blades with integral blade catcher, and little neck knives

There was also a nice selection of hunters/utility knives. Mike Mossington had a beautiful hunter with a Damascus blade made out of a forged Harley-Davidson motorcycle chain. Mike forged the Damascus himself at Ed Storch’s symposium.

Here’s the knife


And Mike’s table


George Tichbourne had two tables worth of knives including every style imaginable…my favourite was the Liquid Metal dive knife (center of the first pic)



Steve Vanderkolff’s table


and a knife closeup


Al Pendray


John Benoit


Jim Downie

Paul Johnston


Eric Kuhn


One of the best parts of a knife show is finding those hidden treasures that cannot be readily categorized into “art,” “tactical,” or “hunter”. Indeed, one of my favourite pieces of the show was this presentation axe by Jodi Link. The axe looks like “flint” but it is made out of (stainless?) steel. Even though this axe is nothing like the others in my collection (Lightfoot LCA and Strider RDT) it was very much to my liking.


Here are some other pieces by Jodi




In addition to his signature “eagle-head” knives, Walt Stockdale had an interesting selection of miniatures on display. I was also surprised to see a Kriss blade at Walt’s table…by coincidence, I have been looking into Kriss blades as of late.


Apart from the knives, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the show! I got the vibe that everyone wants this show to become an ongoing success. It appeared that makers were more concerned about showing support, educating newer collectors, and ensuring a good time for all than they were about the “business” of knife shows.

I also think that Jim Ziegler, who organized the show, and his crew had a great attitude. It was nice to see Jim’s family, along with some military veterans, volunteering to help out.

The next Elgin Military Museum knife show is scheduled for 2004. I know that I will be there!


PS Thanks to Murray White for a good part of the pics and to cockroachfarm and Darren Chard for the drive over
Thanks for another great show report, RL.

I was at Ed's symposium and the only person I remember forging Harley Davidson damascus was Ed himself. He did however raffle off a piece of this damascus.
Originally posted by J-man_the_jet

Are there anymore pics like from the CKG?

Hi j-man,

What do you mean...the pics from the pre-show and dinner? In any case, I posted most of the pics that we took...I do have a couple more on file..what are you looking for in particular?

Keith, I am quite certain that Mike forged that piece...and I know that he was at Ed's symposium...whether he forged it there or afterward is another question...

As usual, another terrific review - thanks RL.

Looks like this was a great show- I hope to make it next year.

Originally posted by Neil Ostroff
As usual, another terrific review - thanks RL.

Looks like this was a great show- I hope to make it next year.


That would REALLY make it a GREAT show ;)

"Walt Stockdale had an interesting selection of miniatures on display..."

Yes, they were little 'jewels'! I meant to 'adopt' one of those before we left, darn it. Will have to wait until the October CKG show, I guess.

Another great show review, RL. Well done!
Outstanding, RL; especially for those of us who couldn't be there :( Thanks!
Grrrrr...fototime seems to be down...please check back later.

Great report RL!! Couldn't attend the show, but the pictures are, as usual, Great!! Wish I could have seen Murry's display. My bro said it was top notch. Have a great day and see you all in September.
When it comes to posting knife show pictures, you are second to none, RL!

Great camera work.
I just got around to this post, and I thank you for the great posts! Thanks to Murray for clear pics as well.

I work in a motorcycle shop, so I always perk up when I hear of a 'chain' damascus knife. Problem is it is ALWAYS a Harley-Davidson chain. Someone PLEASE make a Japanese tanto with a Suzuki chain...! ;)

Or maybe a Ducati Italian damascus stilletto. Nahhh, it would cost too much and then need LOTS of servicing... ;) Never mind...

Great job as always RL - but where's the pic of Murray's display?

Thanks again everyone.

Roger, check the fourth pic in my review.

Coop...yeah, a Ducati chain damascus would need a lot of servicing...but I bet it would sound great as you whoosh it through the air :)

Oooookay, now I recognize some familiar blades. For some reason I thought Murray was going to have his knives "under glass" in a display case of some kind, so I didn't think that pic was of his display.

originally I was going to have a display in one if my display cases and I did take it down. At the last minute, I decided it would be neat to have the knives available to be viewed with their sheaths as well.

Phyllis was with me and was able to watch the table and talk to folks coming around and I was able to have a couple of tables setup nearby to do the photos. I was just a tad busy doing photos and really did not have time to man the table. Thank goodness Phyllis is fairly familiar with our collection lol.

The display was of all forged blades be they hunter, fighter, bowie or dagger. When we attend the 2 days show in Aylmer, PQ the last weekend of Sept., the display will probably be hunters and utility knives of which I have about 30.

The next Port Stanley show will be Bowies and Fighters and then I'll try to see if I can do something with Daggers and Boot knives.

I know I'll have photographic space at Port Stanley again but hope that I'll have a good spot in Aylmer too. Always is fun to have nice photos of knives to post to the forums.