Elizabeth Smart - Found Alive !!

this part is especially moving...

Ed Smart received a call Wednesday from Sandy police, telling him to drive to their headquarters without stopping. Minutes later, he and Elizabeth were reunited.

He called his wife from a police cruiser to tell her the news.

"I said, 'Lois, you're not going to believe this. Elizabeth is in my arms,'" Smart said.

"All of the children out there deserve to come back to their parents the way Elizabeth has come back to us," he said, breaking into tears. "It is nothing but a miracle. I just held her, held her all the way home."
this part really pisses me off... :mad:

Elizabeth's mother, Lois Smart, said in February that she met Mitchell in downtown Salt Lake City when he asked her for money. She gave him $5 and hired him to help her husband repair their home's roof in November 2001. He worked at the home for about five hours. Seven months later, Elizabeth disappeared.

She was doing him a $#%^& favor...!!:mad: :grumpy:
Frankly, for one, I am fed up with the saturation of the media coverage. Speculation, don't knows, incomplete facts not released, etc.

Main point, Thank God, she is back home safe, not necessarily sound. Leave it alone, until all the facts come out.

We have much more in this world, currently to be concerned about, than the tabloid coverage, now being conducted by the media.

Rant completed. :(
Originally posted by lcs37
Rant completed. :(

Let me open it up again:

If I hear the words "may", "possibly", "could", "suspected", "alleged", "maybe", "condition of anonymity" in another news story, I will go looking for a used postal uniform (bullet holes OK, as long as it's clean).

Maybe I should just stop listening to CNN on the drive home.

I'm also very glad (and astonished) that she is back.
Elizabeth's mother, Lois Smart, said in February that she met Mitchell in downtown Salt Lake City when he asked her for money. She gave him $5 and hired him to help her husband repair their home's roof in November 2001. He worked at the home for about five hours. Seven months later, Elizabeth disappeared.

No good deed goes unpunished.