Email from India

oh jim, oh jim, oh jim
those sari pickins were quite slim

Bill asked me to come in and help you
but there is absolutely nothing i can do

you have dug your own hole
and you are definitely not a mole

so sit there and stew
and drink some home brew

But don't feel so bad
because there is something even more sad

and that is that I feel like real slime
doing these dumb kiddie rhymes
Cobalt, I feel Sari for about REACHING!

Jim March

(Has anybody realized that if the Vice President became a drummer he'd automatically be a computer programmer? Sure! He'd have an AlGoreRythm...)
Our two humorists are at it again. I think HI will have to have two of these -- looks that way.


Hi, I'm Fred from Knife Outlet. We spoke yesterday. Another business owner in our complex, an Indian from Darjeeling, was looking for a Kukri so I printed out the salient pages from your web site and gave them to him. He commented, "Oh these are made in Nepal. Should be good compared to the junk Kukris they make in India." So there could be some preconceptions to overcome even among Indians. Take care.

Knife Outlet
Hi Fred:

There are those who know and those who don't.

Anybody interested enough can read the test results posted by customers evaluating HI khukuris, or find back copies of last years Tactical Knifes, Combat Knives, and SWAT magazines that featured our khukuris. This is all independent information, not advertising PR put out by HI.

Read what knife experts say and then decide.
