Emerson Gallery and Glossary

Aug 14, 2000
Fellow Forum Members,

This will be a never ending project. We are going to attempt to combine Don's"Inventory of Emerson Custom Folders" list with my passion for pictures. We're going to make an interactive list of Emerson knives, complete with a Glossary and many other interesting Emerson related items.

For those that are not familiar with the "Inventory of Emerson Custom Folders" string, Don wanted to know exactly what customs were in the hands of forum members. The results are quite interesting. Through this ongoing list, we have found many interesting variations and you can get a feel for exactly how rare a particular model or variation actually is.

If you are lucky enough to obtain a new piece or unlucky enough to have to part with one, please let Don know. One nice thing is that very often many of these pieces just change hands within the forum. His E-mail address will be listed at the bottom of the page. Submissions are anonymous for those that so desire.

As mentioned above, we would like to make the list interactive. Hopefully we will be able to link the model and variations to pictures, that's where we need your help. Do you have a picture of a knife that is not already linked? Do you have a picture of a variation? How about just a unique or informative picture? Send it in to be a permanent part of this list.

If you will E-mail me your picture, we can put it up on the list. One problem with individual links is that they tend to come up as broken links in a short period of time. By keeping all the pictures in one location, we eliminate this problem. Full credit will be given to the submitter of the photo or as above, you can remain anonymous. The best pictures will be the main link and others can be seen as separate links off to the side.

Pictures should be as clear as possible (I can help clean them up if need be) and the pictures should be of a single knife, unless it is to show something specific, like say the size difference between a Commander and an ES1-M or something of the like. The higher resolution (within reason guys
) and the clearer the better.

Again, this is a group project, we can't do it with out your help and assistance. The format will definitely change as this list grows. Feel free to make comments below, but for organizational sake, please don't attach the photos here, E-mail them in. My E-mail address is at the bottom of this posting.


John Hollister & Don Deckert (Sniper308)

Please submit additions and deletions to the custom count to Don Deckert ddeckert@kscable.com

Please submit pictures to John Hollister jdhollister@juno.com
<CENTER><font color=red><h2>Emerson Custom Count/Gallery/Glossary</h2></font></CENTER>


<font color=red>CQC5</font>

CQC5 - 16 Pic Pic Pic Pic
CQC5 -Specwar Logo 2000 Damascus Blade - 1

Known CQC5 Variations
Specwar Logo. Year 2000, Satin - 11

Specwar Logo. Year 2000, Satin, Serrated - 1

<font color=red>CQC6</font>

CQC6 - 57 Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic
MOP Damascus - 4 Pic Pic Pic
CQC 6/7 Specwar Logo 1999 Beadblasted Blade - 1
CQC 6 Both Halfmoon and Specwar Logos Titanium Blade - 1 Pic - Both Logos
CQC6 Titanium
CQC 6/VIPER Mother Of Pearl, Righthand Grind, Damascus Blade - 1
CQC 6 Halfmoon Logo, Lefthand Knife, Satin Blade - 1
CQC6 Specwar marked, Serrated blade - 1

Known CQC6 Variations
Halfmoon Logo- Right Hand Grind, Double Relieved Bolsters, Satin Blade - 1
Halfmoon Logo- Polished Blade - 1
Halfmoon Logo- Double Relieved Bolsters, Satin Blade -2
Halfmoon Logo- Satin Blade - 2
Specwar Logo- No year Satin Blade - 7
Specwar Logo- No year Beadblast Blade -1
Specwar Logo- No year Satin Serrated Blade - 2
Specwar Logo- 1999 Satin Blade - 2
Specwar Logo- 2000 Satin Blade - 9

<font color=red>CQC7</font>

CQC 7 - 20
CQC 7 - Dam. Custom\Production Specwar -1
Prototype - 1
CQC 7-A Chisel grind, Ti Bolsters, Green Micarta scales, Serrated Pic Pic

Known CQC7 Variations

Specwar Logo, 2000 2
Specwar Logo, Double Detents, Black 1
Specwar Logo, Single Detent, Green 1
Specwar Logo, Ser., Single Detent, Green 2
Specwar Logo, 2000, Rt. Hand Grind, Green 1
Specwar Logo, Ser. Tan Micarta 1
Specwar Logo, Single Detent, Black 1

<font color=red>CQC8</font>

CQC 8 - 16 Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic
With wave - 4
Prototype with wave - 1

Known CQC8 Variations

Specwar Logo, Black Oxide, Black Benchmade Clip, Hand Sculpted and champhored scales 2
Specwar Logo, Black T, Black Clip, Hand Sculpted and champhored scales (All Black) 3
Specwar Logo, Flat, Black G-10 Satin 2
Specwar 2000 Logo, With Wave, Satin, Flat G-10 handles - 4

Specwar 2001 Logo, "V" Ground, Satin - 4 (2 Prototypes)

<font color=red>CQC9</font>

CQC 9 - 5 Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic

Known CQC9 Variations

Specwar Logo, Satin, Serrated, Flat G-10 handles, filework on top of blade and liner, "Spydie hole" opener 2

Named Folder Models

<font color=red>Rhino</font>

Rhino - 2 Serrated Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic

<font color=red>ES1-M</font>

ES1-M - 6 Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic
ES1-C - 1
CM-1 2

<font color=red>Pre-Tacticals</font>

Fancy Pre-Tacticals - 11 Pic Pic Pic Pic
Pre-Tactical Damascus, MOP - 1

<font color=red>Prototypes</font>

Specwar Proto - 5
Commanders "CM-1" - 3
Tigershark - 3 (Prototype for Police Utility) Pic

<font color=red>Viper Series Folders</font>

Viper MV-1 - 10 Pic
Viper MV-1 - 1 Dress Version Half Moon Logo Double Ground Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic
Viper MV-2 - 2 Pic
Viper MV-3 - 5 Pic Pic Pic
Viper MV-4 - 4 Pic Pic Pic
Viper MV-5 - 5

<font color=red>Neck Knives</font>

LaGriffe Custom Titanium - 5 Pic Pic
Neck Knife Pic

Small- 4

Medium-6 Includes:
Tanto Blades-5
Spearpoint Blade-2

Large- 3

<font color=red>Fixed Blades</font>

CF-1 Vindicator - 5 Pic Pic
CF-3 Trident Specwar Logo - 2 Pic Pic
CF-4 Stinger - 1 Pic Pic Pic
CF-5 Mirage - 3 Specwar logo Pic Pic Pic Pic
CF-6 Phaser - 2 Pic
CF-7 Trivector - 1 Pic
CF-8 Bodyguard - 2 Pic Pic
CF-9 Tactical Persian - 1
CF-10 Rogue Warrior - 2 Pic Pic Pic
CF-11 Carraci Dagger -2 Pic Pic
Custom Martial Arts Fixed Blade Righthand Grind - 1 Halfmoon logo Pic Pic

Bolster - Bolsters are the Titanium portions of the body scales on some customs. The Emerson web site also lists bolsters as an option that will be available in the "Custom/Production" line.

Double Relieved Bolsters - On some older customs, the bolster on the pocket clip side of the folder was relieved to match the primary side.

<u>C/P</U> - "Custom/Production". The Custom/Production line will be Production knives with special "ala cart" features. Customers will be able to literally design thier own knife. Choosing the blade finish or material, scale material, liners, ect that they want on thier knife. These will be available from the Emerson Company Store. Pic Pic

<U>CQC</U> - Close Quarters Combat

CM-1 - "Civilian Model 1". The CM-1 is a custom "Pre-Commander". A Specwar marked mini ES1-M with a "V" grind. Same overall dementions as a '98 Commander with slightly thicker scales and a real (uncoated) Satin finish.

ES1-M - "Emerson Seal (model) 1 - Military". This knife was designed as a SERE folder for the SEAL teams. Basically it's a Commander on steriods, 20% larger overall.

Full Dress or FD - These a fancy versions of Ernies Tacticals. These have Damascus blades and Mother of Pearl scales.

MOP - Mother of Pearl. MOP is used on Full Dress versions of the Specwar Tacticals. The Emerson web site also list MOP as an option that will be available in the "Custom/Production" line.

<U>PPP</U> - "Pre Production Prototype". When a new production model is introduced through EKI, Ernie grinds a few Pre Production Prototypes. These consist a hand ground blade and usually a production body. Most are "Specwar" marked, but starting in 2000 they began "EKI" marking the Pre Production Prototypes. Example: An EKI marked PPP Damascus C/P Commander from 2000.

<U>Pre-Tactical</U> - Pre-Tacticals are knives made prior to the Viper and CQC series (Prior to '92). Usually consisting of fancier features like fileworked Pivots, Anodized Bolsters and Liners, Ivory, Wood, Stag scales, ect. All Pre-tacticals have either Bowie or Halfmoon logoes. Pre-Tactical Catalog Page 1 Page 2 Example Photo

<U>Ti</U> - Titanium. Bolsters and most liners are made of Titanium.

"<U>Usual Suspect</U>" - Term coined by Les Robertson in 01/99. A person that frequents and participates in the Emerson Forum on BF.com. In fact it should be considered synonymous with "Frequent Participant". Custom ownership is not required, just enthusiasm for the products.


EKI - "Emerson Knives Inc." Ernie Emerson's production knife company logo.

Bowie logo - Jbravo provided some valuable insight, in that the "halfmoon" was not Ernies first logo. "His original logo was a curved EMERSON over a bowie knife with the word KNIVES reverse curved under it, making it football shaped. He dropped the bowie knife and "knives" after about a dozen knives, and left just the curved Emerson."

Halfmoon - One of Ernie Emerson's older logos for his custom designs and is simply the word "E M E R S O N" in an arch. Having a halfmoon logo tends to make a knife more attractive to collectors. Pic

Specwar - "Emerson Specwar Knives" Ernie Emerson's current custom knife logo. Note: Not to confuse the issue, but there is also a production model called the "Specwar", these will have the "EKI" production logo.

Viper - The logo for the Viper series is the word Viper with a stylized "V" and the word "Emerson" below it.

Double Stamped Logos - There are two known examples that have been etched with both a halfmoon and a Specwar '98 logo. Both are Ti bladed CQC6s.


Contoured Scales - An item that adds to the secondary pricing of a custom is contouring of the scales. This feature has been found on several models including the CQC8.

File Work - Serrations the the top edge and bottom edge of the bolster. This is done for traction. As an example, click here for an example of a bolster with no file work

Zero Ground blade - Another feature that adds to the collectability of a custom Emerson. The blade's edge is ground flat to the cutting edge with no secondary grind.

Wave - The wave is a patented feature that allows the knife to be opened as it's drawn from the pocket. This is the fastest method of deploying a folder that I am aware of. It is located directly to the rear of the thumb disk and resembles a wave or hook. As the knife is drawn to the rear, the wave engages the edge of the pocket, opening the knife as it is drawn. Mpg

Pocket Clips

Benchmade pocket clips - On older customs, Benchmade pocket clips were used.

Hourglass pocket clip - Currently used on Emerson production and custom folder. It's called an "hourglass" clip as it is slightly wasp waisted.

Skull logo pocket clip - Limited Edition pocket clips that were available at the 2000 Blade Show. These were blackened hourglass shaped clips with Emerson's Skull logo.
Other Interesting Pictures

Picture CQC6 and CQC7
Picture Six CQC6s
Picture Two CQC6s and one CQC6 Full Dress
Picture CQC5 CQC6 and CQC7
Picture CQC5 through CQC9
Picture Vipers 1, 3 and 5
Picture EKI Commander, Specwar Proto and Viper 3
Picture Specwar CQC7 and EKI CN CQC7B
Picture EKI SOFCK Tanto and Spearpoint
Mpg How does the Wave/Commander work. Mpg
Picture Emerson Stealth
Picture Phaser, Mirage and a Vindicator Fixed Blades
Picture C/P handground Damascus Commander and Satin bladed ES1-M
Picture Left T to B: Stealth, Rhino, Raven Proto, Half-moon CQC7 and a Black-T CQC8. Right T to B: Bowie logo folder, CQC5 #1, CQC6, CQC7 and CQC8 w/ Ti Nitride finish
Picture Tamishigiri and Nyeti collections Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic
Picture Fixed Bladed Heaven
Picture The Bladelaw Collection Pic
Picture The first knife Ernie made, a Balisong
Picture Early Fixed Blade with visible Hamon, differential heat treating
Picture Early Damascus Fixed Blade
Picture Early Pre-Tacticals
Picture Transition from CQC6 to FD Viper/CQC6 to Viper MV-4
Picture Viper collection Pic Pic Pic
Picture Sniper308 Pre-Tactical Collection Pic Pic Pic Pic
Picture DavidT's H&K93 with one of his CQC6s
Picture Five CQC6s, Two CQC5s and a Viper.
Picture Two CQC6s with ARs
Picture Customs at the 2000 Blade Show Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic
Picture Mini Commander Prototypes at Blade Show 2001 Pic
Picture Top to Bottom: ES1-M, "CM-1" Prototype Commander, Prototype Mini Commander

Customized Production Knives

Picture Pirela Commander by Bill Siegle Pic Pic Pic Pic
Picture PSARK by Bill Siegle
Picture BM CQC7 with bolsters and Micarta scales by Kevin Robinson Pic
Would antone object if we asked Spark to post this permanently on the top of the page? I hate paging through to find it, and everyone should be checking it from time to time!
Excellent idea jbravo!
I can do that. Derek, if you want to unstick this, please feel free. I don't want you to think I'm stepping on your toes or anything.
What's up with all those pics with the "High Resolution Not Available" messages?:confused:
Clubphoto.com has made a change to their format. We can no longer link to the larger images. It just means that on my next day off I have to go in and re-link a large portion of the pictures.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Its hard to find pics of the Socfk. If anyone has any pics can you please post.

PS, Hey john still cant close the #2 :p

more pics of production models?
maybe pics of stuff like:

Raven ?
P-Sark ?
White Water Rescue ?
La-Griffe ?
Blackbird ?

John - did you ever get around to posting the SOCFK that Kevin modified for me? Do you need better pictures?
I'll take em if ya got em. :D

Patrick from Triple Aught just sent over some new ones as well.

As an update, Eric and I spoke briefly on the phone the other night (damn work) and he has generasly offered to host the pictures for the gallery. We just have to hammer out the details on how to get it done.