Emerson Sharpening


Oct 21, 2006
Any recommendations for a real nice sharpener that will do the job for all blade types including Emersons?

Are you looking for a system?

I have a elcheapo one from wally world and I just use it to really re profile the edge after I mess it up. Usually I just free hand it with one of those aluma ceramic sticks from Spyderco.

Systems that work for me and my Emersons are the Smith and Lanskys. You may want to also check out a good crock stick set from Spyderco or Lansky.

Thanks for the heads up on the sharpeners.By the way,I plan on doing something off the wall with the custom blade thing.

Get a Spyderco Sharpmaker, or an EdgePro. As a matter of fact both are a good investment. She Sharpmaker can pretty much sharpen anything known to man. The EdgePro is great if you want to get an almost flawless factory like edge, however it costs about 3 times as much.
Thanks blackmamba, I'll gettem both. Anywhere you recommend for price and service?

though i love my sharpmaker other than my CQC12 it doesnt really work very well imho on EKI's, oh sure it will work but either ya have to use it as a std benchstone (in which case a std benchstone works better) or ya have to hold the knife at an odd angle to hit the bevel right, for me the best way to sharpen a EKI is with my norton hard india stone, a DMT diamond rod, and a gerber steel.

ditto with the edgepro, unless ya are gonna change the bevel; on a EKI the std stone/etc works better, same with gatco, etc.

for 99.9% of knives though the sharpmaker works great, and will do an EKI in a pinch, it just isnt the best tool for that job imho. i use mine all the time.

the edgepros too work great but i dont like clamping stuff onto blades, it will marr the finish, and its a PITA. edgepro will put one helluva edge on a std bevel knife though.

a lot depends on if ya can free hand sharpen, if ya can, no probs, if ya cant none of the systems i have seen work very well on the EKI chisel grinds, which is all the EKI's except the CQC12.

of course imho the CG is very easy to learn to sharpen but i may be in the minority on this one a lot of folks have probs with them it seems.
What is the angle of the actual edge on most Emersons?

How hard would it be to grind it down to an angle that would work on the sharpmaker? As in grind it down to a 20 degree side and sharpen as normal (albeit only on the one side) on the 40 degree rods of the Sharpmaker. A 20 degree edge (total) should slice like a scalpel, and I would think that the 154CM should be fine at that angle.

Even if it took you an hour it would seem to be an hour well spent. I can't imagine it taking that long if you were to hold a DMT diamond stone up against the Sharpmaker rod like I do when I reprofile a normal V grind.
Thanks blackmamba, I'll gettem both. Anywhere you recommend for price and service?


The Sharpmaker is available from most retail outlets that sell Spyderco's. Do an search for the Edgepro, in most cases you buy it from them.

IMHO, knife sharpening is both a science and an art. Saying that, you need to know the theory behind it, but you also need to get a feel for what you are doing.

Also, most important... STROPPING IS YOUR FRIEND!!! :)
What is the angle of the actual edge on most Emersons?

How hard would it be to grind it down to an angle that would work on the sharpmaker? As in grind it down to a 20 degree side and sharpen as normal (albeit only on the one side) on the 40 degree rods of the Sharpmaker. A 20 degree edge (total) should slice like a scalpel, and I would think that the 154CM should be fine at that angle.

Even if it took you an hour it would seem to be an hour well spent. I can't imagine it taking that long if you were to hold a DMT diamond stone up against the Sharpmaker rod like I do when I reprofile a normal V grind.

why not just learn to sharpen a CG free hand?? i bet an hour spent working on that and ya would be home free in that regard.

aint that hard imho, just takes some effort and practice, once ya learn ya dont have to worry about this stuff anymore.
I also have the Sharpmaker but can't seem to get an edge on my CQC7A. I bought the knife used and when I received it it looked like the tip had been broken off and the blade re-profiled. Now there seems to be more edge than on the normal grind but I cannot get it to sharpen. Any suggestions?
why not just learn to sharpen a CG free hand?? i bet an hour spent working on that and ya would be home free in that regard.

aint that hard imho, just takes some effort and practice, once ya learn ya dont have to worry about this stuff anymore.

Thats fine too. I was just thinking that once you get the angle set correctly the Sharpmaker should work fine. If you already own a Sharpmaker and do what I said it should make touch ups a breeze as well, without having to worry about sharpening freehand.