FWIW i dont know how a BM stryker, CRKT M16 and a commander could pass a test and the ATR would break, not a ti ATR anyway, imho the ti ATR is tougher than any of those by far.
if thats what they are insinuating anyway.
FWIW the Ti ATR is the only production i ever carry anymore, well my CQC12 some too i suppose, but other than the '12 the ATR is it, and while i carry my specwar '13 80% or so most of the remaining 20% is carrying the ATR, i have always really liked them and have 3 now, 2 PE and 1 SE, slim and lite, easy to carry, fits my hand well, top notch material (ie Ti and S30V), great lock (compression) probably my favorite non emerson knife, and certainly the very best spyderco easily, imho anyway.
i have a lotta folders, and thru the yrs have figured out what i like and what works for me, what carries well, and the top 3 are the specwar '13, the '12 and the Ti ATR, i could live and be quite happy with any of those 3 folders, and when ya have had probably ~150 or so folders thru the last 8 or 10 yrs thats not small praise imho.
they are disco'd now and hard to find and can get expensive whn ya do but if ya get a chance to try one i highly reccomend them, in fact, i hate to say it, i swapped a LNIB commander for one of the plain edges, and was happy to do it, even more happy now due to how high they have gotten lately.
the SS ATR's are "ok" too but the Ti is quite a bit better imho.