Empire of the Sun

Daniel Koster

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
Anybody else seen this movie?

Very moving. By Steven Speilberg back in 1988.

A timely viewing...
Pen I loved the movie, was dissappointed by Spielbergs following WWII flix. Christian Bale is awsome, adds so much emotion and depth of character for such a young actor. I still feel its one of the best movies dealing with WWII, or just war period.
That was one of my favourite movies of all time and I was 11 when it came out. I didn't realise that the actor was Christain Bale but it makes sense now. Great movie. Another good movie is Basketball diaries with a very young Leonardo De Caprio - I dont like him really but in this he is very good.
Christoper Bale has the best line in this movie:
"P51 Mustang - Cadillac of the Sky".
Originally posted by pendentive
Anybody else seen this movie?

Very moving. By Steven Speilberg back in 1988.

A timely viewing...

One of my favorites. My first introduction Malkovich.
Anybody know what was the song the boy was singing? (both at the start and at the end)

??!? :( :confused:
still looking for help finding the song...

:( :confused: :(
Is it Suo Gan?

If so, a quick internet search shows that that is a Welsh Lullaby. It would fit, but for some reason I thought it was an anthem of some sort...?!?:( :confused:

Now I'm going to have to go see the movie again...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by pendentive
Is it Suo Gan?


Well, I figured, since it was the first song on the sound track that it might be the one you're looking for, but it's a choir, not the boy alone. I recognized it when I listened to the sample but didn't know if it's the one you referred to. Good luck.
"Suo Gan". Funny, tho' the song is Welsh, the spelling gives the impression of being possibly Chinese.


Hunan blentyn, ar fy mynwes
Clyd a chynnes ydyw hon
Breichiau mam sy'n dyn amdanat
Cariad mam sy dan fy mron
Ni chaiff dim amharu'th gyntun
Ni wna undyn a thi gam
Huna'n dawel, annwyl bientyn
Huna'n fwyn ar fron dy fam

Huna'n dawel hana huna
Huna'n fwyn y del ei lun
Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gwenum
Gwenu'n dirion yn dy hun
Ai angylion fry sy'n gwenu
Arnat yno'n gwenu'n lion
Titha'u'n gwenu'n ol a huno
Huno'n dawel ar fy mron

Paid ag ofni, dim ond deilen
Gura, gura ar y ddor
Paid aga ofni ton fach unig
Sua, sua ar lan y mor
Huna blentyn nid oes yma
Ddim i roddi iti fraw
Gwena'n dawel ar fy mynwes
Ar yr engyl gwynion draw

(English Translation)

To my lullaby surrender
Warm and tender is my breast
Mother's arms with love caressing
Lay their blessing on your rest
Nothing shall tonight alarm you
None shall harm you, have no fear
Lie contented, calmly slumber
On your mother's breast, my dear

Here tonight I tightly hold you
And enfold you while you sleep
Why, I wonder, are you smiling
Smiling in your slumber deep?
Are the angels on you smiling
And beguiling you with charm
While you also smile, my blossom
In my bosom soft and warm?

Have no fear now, leaves are knocking
Gently knocking at our door
Have no fear now, waves are beating
Gently beating on the shore
Sleep, my darling, none shall harm you
Nor alarm you, never cry
In my bosom sweetly smiling
And beguiling those on high
Seen that movie back in the late 80s. Good movie. Under-appreciated by a lot of people.

Not many people grew up in war times. That could be why the message didn't really sink in.
Great Movie! I liked the sound tract as well. There is another joyous song from the movie that really makes you feel good. i cant remember the title but I think it is in Latin or Welsh. Im glad to find fellow Khuk knuts with the same refineness I thought I only had! Cheers!