Engraved plastic plaques needed...


Temporarily Retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Jan 14, 2001
This may not be the best place to post this, so if it's not the 'right' place, Mods please move it as needed...

We need the following, within the month...engravers take note...

1 x 9.000" x 6.000"; 6 x 1.750" x 2.750; 39 x 1.125" x 2.250" (46 total), 890 characters...two tone, forest green face on white background...

We were quoted $340, we're looking to pay roughly half that.

These are needed for our knife show display cases.

Forward this on to anyone you know that might be able to help.

Thanks in advance,

Hard to say which forum will give you your best chance of finding an answer -- but I'm going to try moving this thread to Shop Talk. Some of those guys are good at sourcing all kinds of things.
The only place I could think of is a local trophy shop. They do this type of thing on a daily basis.
Agreed, a trophy shop would be best...that's who we got the quote from, and they're one of the best in S.D.

Buggers though, I gave them work 'bidness' out the yang, yet when it came to personal, the drove the stake home... :rolleyes:

I'll let my fingers do the walking this weekend, but I was really hoping to shoot the business to someone here...

Still looking,

We have the engraving machine at work (I used to have to make up all our signs labeling tank heights, gauges, not to mention name plaques, etc.) but to buy the required sized plastic engraving material would probably cost me what the 1st place quoted you for the entire job - sorry!:(
To be specific, we're looking for 44 plaques total (1 x 6" by 9"; 5 x 1.750" by 2.750"; and 39 x 1.125" by 2.250"...889 characters total.

This needs to be done on a two-tone sheet of plastic laminate, Forest Green on White...a $30 24" x 18" sheet would suffice with some overage.

The set up on the large number would be similar, with 'time to run' being roughly 4 hours total. We're looking to pay roughly $150 delivered, or to trade with some large fixed blades by SOG/CS.

You'd be doing us a favor in this, and we'll treat you fairly...

Thanks in advance,

$178 delivered, and they came out great!

Had to go local for this order, but if someone here wanted to do the 'other half' for a similar price...please let us know.

(Or, it's back to the first place...)
