I'm so freaking pissed right now, I don't even think I'll be able to type effectively. Anyways, I wanted to take all of my knives over to gander mountain, to have them sharpened professionally(cause I'm afraid I'll screw them up at this point). So I loaded all of my knives into my sears companion. I stopped by the mall on my way there, to go to gamestop,to see if they had any Xbox 360s in stock. I was only in the mall for about 30 minutes. So I came out of the mall, walked to my car and sure enough, my sears companion was gone, along with my cell phone charger, my inova flashlight, and a handfull of change. I thought I had locked my car, but It must have slipped my mind this time. STUPID STUPID STUPID ME! I basically blame this on myself, but I'm also really pissed at whoever took my stuff. Thank god my grandfathers USN WWII Camillus knife was at home, and my Kabar precision hunter was being EDC'd. So if any of you come across some guy selling a sears companion, with a bunch of knives in it, please let me know. This is probbaly a shot in the dark, but still. Here's all the knives I had in there, some weren't of that much importance, but others will be missed:
SPYdy delica
Case Cranberry stockman
Schrade Old Timer 1080T
Kabar USMC
Erikkson Mora #40
vintage imperial
Vic Classic
Vic Ranger
Wenger Esquire
Those are pretty much the only ones I gave a crap about in my collection, I know they aren't customs or anything, but I hate the guy who stole them. -drew
SPYdy delica
Case Cranberry stockman
Schrade Old Timer 1080T
Kabar USMC
Erikkson Mora #40
vintage imperial
Vic Classic
Vic Ranger
Wenger Esquire
Those are pretty much the only ones I gave a crap about in my collection, I know they aren't customs or anything, but I hate the guy who stole them. -drew