Eric.....Paging Eric............

Jul 19, 2000
Are the new D2 mods limited editions. I read that in balde, but have not seen that bit of info anywhere else. Limited to 300??? What are you trying to do man, start a feeding frenzy? Have you ever seen rats in a feeding frenzy? It is not pretty.

Answers man,I want some answers! It is Monday, where is our rat chat?
What are you doing with yourself?

Hmmm, gotta wonder whats up at the nest??:confused: Hopefully birthing a whole mess o baby rats!:D
I'm also wondering about this one...

I want to get several of the models, but can't really do them at this time...
IF they are limited editions of 300 per Blade, I might have to make some exceptions in other places to afford them right now.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I was away from the computer for several days (on the road yesterday for 14 hours with 2 kids and a pregnant wife, it was a long day :D:D)

We will be giving some more updates on the new D2 models in the very near future, however the "limited to 300" statement was a misprint. We have no plans on limiting these models. They will be staggered in there release to help with productions issues but they will not be limited.
I am glad that was a mis-print. I was getting dangeriously close to having a run in with the wife regarding a rather large charge that I "might" have had to do. This is all good news, and a load off my mind.

Maybe limited to 300 tons - or however much D2 they snuck away at Jerry's fire-sale prices. :D