etching machine...

Sep 9, 2001
ok, so now ive got an AT and an ATX power supply from a PC. (well, 2) did anyone sucessfully make an etching machine out of one of these?

maybe i should just shell out the $125 or so and get a good one?

where do you get a good set of letter stamps to just stamp your name in?
have you made one of those?

there was another thread about using a PC power supply that seemed even easier...hence my reason for asking...
Foredom make a few flexible shaft machines.
You can use them for etching and other uses.
I thought about using a comp power supply, but instead I went and bought a 13.8 VDC 3 amp supply from radio shack. It ran about $40. Good for me because I just want a deep etch and I turn it black with ferric instead of AC...

Got my stencils from Lectroetch in OH...They were great to deal with. Check out CKD under the supply section for Fitz's evaluation on various suppliers of stencils.
I think Itrade is the one you want to ask about that. He was hot on it and then got into putting a KMG grinder together. I do not know have far he has gotten with his PC power supply etching scheme. I think it is a solid idea but the ATX supply you have may not be your best choice. I suggest using the AT supply instead. I too have ambitions of using a AT supply but, as it were, am also in the midst of putting together a 2 X 72 grinder. First things you know.
