I feel your pain!!! I really do. I have reevaluated and there is ONE thing that would stop me from collecting knives. And thats having my collection stolen. If someone stole all my knives, I would buy one Folder as an EDC and thats it!!!
This has happened to me before. I had a pretty HUGE gun collection, and had the whole thing stolen. After that I bought One Rifle(AR-15), One Shotgun(Moss. 500) and one Pistol(Kimber) and thats all I got. I may buy a hunting rifle, a revolver and a few odds and ends. But I lost all the enjoyment out of accumulating firearms.
Same thing happened with other hobbies when this happened. I had a HUGE collection of video game for 4 diffrent systems, ALL taken. We are talking hundreds of games!! After that happened, I bought a PS2 more for DVD use, and I have less than 5 games, and hardly ever buy one.
I feel that I spent SO much money on these things, and really had a GROSS amount and when they were stolen, it gave me an empty feeling and I just didn't feel like trying to recoupe, it was too depressing.