Ever Had One Pinched?

Mar 8, 2001
Anybody ever had a knife stolen on them, either from their place of storage at home or around the camp or place of use. I had my entire collection wiped out as I was out of the country last year, trying to rebuild it, slow and expensive. :grumpy:
I have had a few that were "borrowed" but never returned by "friends".
That would not happen now because no one is going to get any knife of mine that I don't want to lose. If someone who doesn't own a high-end knife wants to buy one, they should start saving.

Pointy, you get insurance if you have to leave your collection in storage again. That would at least give you seed money to restock your collection.
I had almost my entire collection stolen, some time ago. :mad: Unfortunately, most of it was not the kind of stuff I could report to the police, even though I knew who took it. After extensive contemplation I decided to let it drop and not risk any form of revenge. That was a couple of years ago, and I've only recently gotten back into collecting. I'll admit that it was an error in judgement on my part that made it possible for the guy to steal my stuff - not an error I'll make again.
Yep, a couple of movers helped themselves to the cream of my collection. They seemed like nice guys and I was young and very naive. It never entered my mind that these friendly dudes would steal my stuff. I was in the service then and it was many months later and half a world away before I realized 3 knives were missing.
Three years ago I had a Cold Steel Gunsite folder stolden out of my mailbox while I was at work. That was a pisser, as I never even got to see it before it was gone and in the hands of some low-life pond-scum thief.
Good Evening All-

Yup...had a Spyderco Delica (zytel) stolen from my cabin on a Royal Caribbean Cruise Line ship in 1998. The cleaning crews know all of the "hiding places" to be found, so LOCK your luggage in the cabin. Help those employees to remain honest!

~ Blue Jays ~
Had a two folders confiscated many moons ago by a New Jersey LEO. They were cheepies so no big deal. I was just glad that I wasn't going with them. :)

I feel your pain!!! I really do. I have reevaluated and there is ONE thing that would stop me from collecting knives. And thats having my collection stolen. If someone stole all my knives, I would buy one Folder as an EDC and thats it!!!

This has happened to me before. I had a pretty HUGE gun collection, and had the whole thing stolen. After that I bought One Rifle(AR-15), One Shotgun(Moss. 500) and one Pistol(Kimber) and thats all I got. I may buy a hunting rifle, a revolver and a few odds and ends. But I lost all the enjoyment out of accumulating firearms.

Same thing happened with other hobbies when this happened. I had a HUGE collection of video game for 4 diffrent systems, ALL taken. We are talking hundreds of games!! After that happened, I bought a PS2 more for DVD use, and I have less than 5 games, and hardly ever buy one.

I feel that I spent SO much money on these things, and really had a GROSS amount and when they were stolen, it gave me an empty feeling and I just didn't feel like trying to recoupe, it was too depressing.
A couple of years ago I had a Buck Odyssey stolen by a "friend" of mine. And while I was at work I sat down my Kershaw Blackout and never saw it again. If I have my BM stolen or even lose it, I will be extremely pissed :mad:.
Originally posted by TheBadGuy
If someone stole all my knives...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they'd need a dump truck to do that, wouldn't they? And they'd have to make several trips! :D
Does giving a knife to some one as a gift and then never seeing that person again count?
I sure do miss my Colt Cobra. :(
Well Zytif, in some Asian cultures giving a knife or scissors as a gift means that you're tempting fate to cut off the relationship. Guess the fates took you up on that offer.
BadGuy, you sure hit the nail on the head, thats exactly how i felt for ages, then I said Fcuk it! and got back to collecting. Collection looks pretty starved at the moment, but it will all come again.:)
Last year...MT SOCOM Auto (she was my pride:( ) and a special edition BM AFCK:o So goes life
Originally posted by KnifeySpoony
I had almost my entire collection stolen, some time ago. :mad: Unfortunately, most of it was not the kind of stuff I could report to the police, even though I knew who took it. After extensive contemplation I decided to let it drop and not risk any form of revenge. That was a couple of years ago, and I've only recently gotten back into collecting. I'll admit that it was an error in judgement on my part that made it possible for the guy to steal my stuff - not an error I'll make again.

I was just wondering if you'd mind sharing more info/details. It might help someone here from making the same error in judgement. If you don't mind talking about it, that is.
I was living in a Huge Awesome log cabin up on the mountain in Huntington, PA. We were known for huge parties and we were also known for us having allot of Military Style Weapons. There was a crazy group of us always hanging out there. A majority of locals would speed up when driving by. The guy that owned the place was well off to say the least and had a large collection, as did I. We never really worried too much about people breaking in, as half the town was afraid to be in the area, top that off with 2 100lb rottweilers and a 60lb Pitbull, home security was never an issue. I was in town partying with some friends one night and when I returned to the cabin, my guns were GONE!! What really struck me as weird is that ALL of my guns were stolen, yet the guy that owned this place, my room mate, with even more guns than me, ONLY had one stolen.. And isn't it lucky that the one that was stolen from him was an AK that had a problem with jams.... I moved out shortly after.. Good thing I did, that place must have a curse, about two days after I moved out that guy’s dog was shot to death and his Audi Quatro was blown up right in front of the house :eek:
Puma Game Warden stolen by a "friend" from my house.
Colonial US Navy folding survival knife stolen by a New Jersey LEO.
Western archer's combo loaned to a guy and never returned.
Buck 110, loaned to a friend and never returned.
Camillus Marine Corps knife, stolen from my truck.
Old Timer 1250t, stolen from my jacket at a party.
All a long time ago, haven't had any stolen recently, thank goodness.