Ever waxed yer Khukuri?

Aug 6, 2002
In responding to a thread about blueing a blade today, I thought of something that seemed to work well on preserving a gun's finish: Some people claim that polishing a gun with carnauba-type car wax protects the finish and stops rusting/pitting.

I have polished two cheap guns I own with car wax a couple of years ago and they haven't rusted yet. However I live in a relatively dry place. I also have no idea what the long term repercussions of "waxing your Khukuri" would be. :D

This may work well but I have two concerns:

1: Will the wax gum up a sharpener so bad you can't use it anymore? Could an epoxy coat be any better than car polish for this?

2: Will car polish do anything to trap moisture in the long term (like, say, a bad undercoating job)? This question seems like a "No", but how to be sure? Car wax goes on wet but you let it dry before buffing it.

Perhaps a test run on a couple of really cheap carbon steel knives could be made? Someone could take two knives, polish one with turtle wax and leave one alone. Then expose them to coastal salt water and air for a week and see who wins.

My bets are on the car wax.

Has anyone tried this on a knife/knives?

Well I use Renaissance wax on mine for storage. It's just a high quality wax for protection of knives, guns, and museum pieces.
Renaissance Wax

Steve Ferguson
Some have used Rennaisance Wax.

I've used it on D frame colts with Johnson's Paste wax and it worked quite well.

Yvsa has used Johnson's also on machined milling tables, etc.
Renaissance Wax for me. Wax the blade and handle both. No problems thus far, and welcome to the cantina, Geezer!

Actually, I've just about given up using oil or petroleum products for most of my blade care, even those $1000 plus Katana. My wax of choice is ArmorAll Car Wax. A coat usually lasts about 3 months for me, if I don't do any exessive handling.

If the blade is used a lot, or is of very high carbon content, I replace the coat about once a week. No funny stuff stuck to the surface and no corrosion.:cool:
Originally posted by philthygeezer
I also have no idea what the long term repercussions of "waxing your Khukuri" would be.

Don't worry; it's perfectly safe-- that "hair on the palms" thing is just something they tell kids :D
(sorry, couldn't resist)