Extended Butt Cap


Jan 9, 2002
I have a Shadow III and like it with the exception of handle length. For me it would be better with a slightly longer grip. Could/would CRK make an extended butt cap to add an inch to the grip? It seems a longer butt cap could be sold as an option.
This has been discussed many times before and the answer that has been given by CRK every time is "No".
I'll consider the issue settled then and look for another source. It seems that any good machinist with a lathe and a drill press should be able to make one.
Ras, they should. We made hollow handle hammers in shop class in high school with screw on butt caps that were about the same size. If a bunch of dopey HS students could do it, I'm sure a well stocked machinist/shop could. Come to think of it, you may be able to get your local HS shop to do it as a special project for a minimal fee or even free.
