Extrema Ratio folders?

Jan 2, 2002
Saw 1sks list a bunch of ER folders on pre-order, no pictures.

Any news about these? Looks interesting, although at $300, they've got to be -particularly- good. High competition segment (kind of like the 3-Series, I'd guess.)

The the U.S. distibutor of Extrema Ratio knives is here in Springfield. I'll e-mail him and see if he has any pictures to post on here.

Extrema Ratio introduced at the Shot Show, 5 new folders for 2003. The picture included here is of the FULCRUM II D FOLDER. Retail price is $279.00. This knife uses the same N690 Cobalt Stainless Steel, the same thickness of our fixed blades (.25), 3.75" drop point blade and has a TESTUDO finish.Knife body is made on a very hard anticordial aluminum that is black in color. Belt clip is drilled and tapped for right or left handers. This is a VERY heavy duty, impressive folder. It uses a back lock system that is very reliable and in addition, it has a "crossbolt" safety system, just like on a shotgun. This unique idea (on a knife) allows the user to lock the blade open, so it cannot close, OR , lock the blade closed, so it cannot open.
There are four others, with different blades and lengths, and I will post info about them later.

Frank Miller
Extrema Ratio USA

Talk about a fast response!

Thanks, Frank.

I look forward to seeing more about these folders. Do you have any idea of an ETA when they will hit the US market for distribution?

Although, admittedly, it's interesting to see a lockback style lock on a knife like this.

Delivery of the first batch of folders is due in mid-late April. I will get some better pictures and post them real soon.

Uhm, I don't don't know if it's due to the picture's perspective or something like that, but that blade looks awfully short compared with the large handle. Handle specs?
If you want, I can take one home and take extensive photos of it. I swear, I'll have it back to you within the next 5-20 years. ;) :D
The factory calls it "Anticordal Aluminum". It is a very heavy duty aluminum that has been milled. Black in color.
I just got back from Frank's shop (boring day at work). I got to handle these folders and they're pretty bad-ass. They make an Emerson look like a kiddy toy. The handle is some sort of annodized aluminum called Anticoradal.
I have never handled any of the ER folders, so I can't say anything about the build quality, but I have to say the ER folder in the pic is as dog-ugly as the ER fixed blades. I handled all of those that ER had at BLADE Show. I thought that they were all clumsy, ill-balanced and square cornered in the handles.
That's one man's opinion. I think that most buyers can do better at their price point. I have nothing against ER, I just don't like the knives.
Do you have to send them back to italy or springfield if you find a defect? Very impressive folders but a bit pricey.