Extrema Ratio Handles

David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
I've often wondered about the design of Extrema Ratio's handles. They usually seem to have a sharp looking lip that separates the front part of the handle from the back part. I can't help but think this looks quite uncomfortable, and have to assume the design is intended to be used with gloves? Just wondering if anyone who's owned on would care to comment on it, and share any pros and cons you have found. Thanks!

These guys provide more entertainment than straightforward testing, however they give an Extrema Ratio knife a thorough workout.

I recall them ultimately liking the handle design. I've never handled one so I can't provide any personal experience, although I agree with you and am skeptical.
I watched one DBK video, and learned to steer clear. Thanks anyway.
It reminds me of the Hinderer Fulltrack handle. At least the way Hinderer designed it, it's pretty comfortable, with two fingers forward of the "lip" as you called it, and two behind. It does limit your grip to more of a hammer grip with straight fingers, as opposed to the saber grip, with your fingers on a slant.

It’s a pretty comfortable handle. The material isn’t super mushy but it has some give like tire rubber. Solid but soft.
Ah interesting, here I was thinking hard plastic. Thanks Bill.