Fällkniven WN-1

Jan 18, 2000
I've been looking for a small fixed blade for everyday carry, and today the mail lady brought me the new Fällkniven WN-1 I ordered. Being the impulsive type, I went for the limited edition version with Micarta handles, and I'm very glad I did.

I'm fairly knew to the knife-appreciation scene, especially fixed blades. I've bought a few Cold Steel fixed blades, which generally have nice steel and disappointing handles. This Fällkniven is now the prettiest knife I own, though.


The blade is VG-10 and polished to a mirror finish. One side has the company logo (the mirror image in the jpg is from my scanner, as are the specks) and the other is etched with the limited edition number 043/200.


The handles are superbly finished black linen Micarta with white liners. The fit and finish of the blade to the handle is just beautiful. You couldn't push a sheet of paper between them. For a small knife, it fits my big hand perfectly, with a small tang that prevent your finger from pushing up onto the blade and a spine wide enough that you can press down on it with your thumb for extra leverage.

The knife has a satisfying heft and balances just at the back of the finger groove. The sucker was hair-razor sharp out of the box, which is good because I'm going to have to learn a lot more about sharpening before I take a chance on screwing up the beautiful finish. Looking at the blade with a manifying glass, it looks like it is convex ground to a very tiny bezel.

The sheath is leather and dangles from a belt loop. The knife rides very low in the sheath, making it difficult to do any kind of fast draw. I'm going to have to look into something else if I'm going to carry it.

Which leads me to my biggest problem with the Fällkniven WN-1: I think I'm going to be afraid to use it! The damn thing is just too pretty to risk marking it up, so I doubt I'll be doing any Fred Perrin testing by punching holes in the hoods of cars. Five minutes after taking the WN-1 out of the box, I was thinking about ordering the next larger one, the F1, which also has a Micarta version, but maybe I should get another one of these with the standard handle for daily carry.

By the way, the Micarta version of the WN-1 is more than twice as expensive as the standard one. I paid $102 and I think it's well worth it. I'm very happy with it.
Hey Craig...

Great Choice in a knife...
I'm a real big fan of All Fallkniven blades...

If you like the WM,, your gonna love the FI No Doubt...

Also Speaking of sheaths...
If you are looking for a custom sheath for them,, drop me a note..

I specialize in Re-Sheathing Fallknivens..Have a look at my site...

ttyle Eric...

Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.
The Micarta F1 is my favorite factory knife, It fits my hand much better than my standard F1. Normark's sheaths are a great addition and a real improvement over the factory leather sheaths. I have my standard F1 in a Normark sheath and am very pleased with it.

Your Right..
The Custom Fallkniven WM and F1 are way to Beautiful to be stabbin car hoods..
There is only 200 made of each, so use the regular WM to do the hard work..
The Custom Models have a completely different fit and feel as they much heftier and feel awesome in the hand..
Hopefully all the Fallkniven Models will be offered Custom Made..
Eric makes absolutely the best sheaths for the Fallkniven line too..
This limited edition looks really nice! I have WM1 with normal rubber-like plastic handle and I'm pretty satisfied how it looks bur black Micarta handle puts this knife on basically another level - it is something more than necessary comfort, it is some kind of luxury!

Thanks for sharing your impressions and pictures!
Ok, I'm gushing. And I'm spending too much money. But after getting the micarta WM-1, I decided that the micarta F1 would be a good investment, right? Right! It's just as pretty.


And of course I had to get a regular F1 to actually use, right?
Hey Guys...

Thanks Much..

Appreciate the nice comments...

I'd love to have an FI and WM with Micarta,, but it's a bit steep for my pocket book at this time...

All the Fallknivens are a Great Value, and you can't go wrong with any of them...

ttyle Eric...

Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.
They are indeed. My WM-1 is hanging around my neck as we speak. Hey, Eric, should I be getting my F1 sheath soon?

E-mail me please..


It went out last week..
Should have it anytime..

ttyle Eric...

Eric E. Noeldechen
On/Scene Tactical
Custom,Quality, Concealex Sheaths.

Leading The Way In Synthetic Sheathing.