Factory or not

Jan 19, 2003
No, I'm no factory. Their are different ways to do anything. Some take longer, I ounce made a knife using a file, sheet of sand paper, and a lot of time. Blade smiths used to use a hammer, anvil and forge . Thday we have grinders milling machines and such. Just like a blade smith has gas forges, trip [power] hammers ect. This by no means they aren't hand made or bench mede, as the old timers called it. My shop staff consist of yours truely and four old dogs. John Greco
Hi John, welcome to BladeForums. Please let me know if I am wrong in what I have posted about you getting your blade cutting and semi-finishing outsourced. This is something I read on shootingindustry.com.
Kenny, Most of my blades are made in house. I do have some laser cut or profiled. Recently I purchased some blades that were ground and partually finisned they were finished and hefted in shop . Hope that is of some help John
I like your knives, John.

One day soon, I will get around to buying one or two!
Another fan here....Dangler, Green River Camp Knife, Companion.

It's good to see you here.

I think you have a good understanding of your customer base and represent your knives well. You build a knife to a good price point that lets your customers carry a good knife for the price they would pay for a factory knife without the TLC you add to yours.

You have chosen a path in knife making that lets you take advantage of all the modern advances man has made in the last 200 years and I see nothing wrong with that. In a good using knife, do I really care whether it was beat by hand into shape from a lump of glowing metal or ground out with a modern mill and hammer and heat treated in an electric oven?
Thanks for all the kind words. Just back from the, Little Rock Show.
Or should I say snow? Weather was All Whiteand about three inches deep when I returned home.
Had a great time. Think the new location is going to be even better than the old one.
Lots of traffic. In all sales were good. And most every one hah a great time.
More later, got to unload. John greco