Fake or real deal


Gold Member
Mar 16, 2021
I have an opportunity to purchase this Randall Made knife. I am new to knives and there seems to be a problem with fake Randalls. By the pictures, it looks like the fit and finish is excellent as would be expected from a real Randall. It is priced a little higher than retail (retail plus tax), but not as high as resellers. I am hoping someone here can confirm if it is real or fake.

The knife is fine. The only problem with 'fake' Randall's are the people that don't take the time to get to know the knives. The true fakes are few and far between, but can still suck in buyers not willing to spend an hour or two familiarizing themselves with the brand...
The knife is fine. The only problem with 'fake' Randall's are the people that don't take the time to get to know the knives. The true fakes are few and far between, but can still suck in buyers not willing to spend an hour or two familiarizing themselves with the brand...
Thank you. Makes me feel better about buying it.
I have an opportunity to purchase this Randall Made knife. I am new to knives and there seems to be a problem with fake Randalls. By the pictures, it looks like the fit and finish is excellent as would be expected from a real Randall. It is priced a little higher than retail (retail plus tax), but not as high as resellers. I am hoping someone here can confirm if it is real or fake.

She's the real deal!
I have a well used similar model in 01,she's my favourite sub 6 inch Randall.
Very nice!
I picked it up today and have no doubt it's the real deal. A beautiful knife.

Here's another question. Do I store it in the sheath?

Edit- Randall made recommends against storing the knife in the sheath.
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I dont store any of mine in the sheath,always separate.
Those I do use,I dont use the leather sheath anyway.

Do you plan on using it or will it be a safe queen?
Water or Saliva.

It’s pretty obviously meant as a way to sharpen the knife in the field. Oil wouldn’t make much sense. Plus the oil would soak into the leather during storage.
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Water or Saliva.

It’s pretty obviously meant as a way to sharpen the knife in the field. Oil wouldn’t make much sense. Plus the oil would soak into the leather during storage.
That makes sense. Thank you.