Fallin in love all over again

Feb 21, 2001
Sunday afternoon. Cold outside, but bright and beautiful. The Who "Who's Next" on the cd player reminds me of college days. Chili bubblin on the stove. My son's outside in the driveway inline skating with his friends. I'm in "my" room polishing, and oiling all my khuks. The smell of tuffcloth, renaissance wax, hooflex, flitz and chili swirl around me mingling with each other. It's intoxicating. Carefully running my hands over Sirupatis, Kobras, AKs, then the beautiful YCS and Berk Dui chirra, I marvel at the craftsmanship and spirit contained in each blade. Truly, I fall in love with each one of them all over again. You guys are the only ones in the world who understand.

Life is good.

You are so right.I just rec'd my 20" 41OZ.AK from PAX-V in Tn. My forth HI Khuke (?six pointed star but says K.M. INSTEAD of K.B.).It was like magic!The saatail(?)wood handle.The polishing.The wife just wouldn't understand. :DI take them out,study them.Look them over and over again. :eek:
Tonight I pulled out my KNN Malla, my Sanu 18" WWII, and My Bura 18" GS, and worked on them while watching a movie. First the flitz and then a coat of Renaissance Wax to keep the nasty rust at bay. I, too, marvel at the blades each time they are unsheathed. It's kinda like you forget how magnificent they are while they're sleeping in their scabbards--then "Voila!"

What a real privelage it is to own such finely crafted instruments... rather have them than a swiss watch!
Just members of the club -- and one hell of a club it is if you'll forgive my bragging a little.
My wife looks at me as though I've got a screw loose every time I take one out and fondle it. When I tell her I need more she just shakes her head or rolls her eyes. I guess they don't talk to her like they do to me. And each has her own voice. The WWII is like Donna from That 70s Show. Beautiful but tough, straight to the point and not too pampered. The wood handled siru is like Nicole Kidman. Long, lean and elegant. Almost too pretty to get dirty. The horn handled siru has a different personality all together. She's more like Sean Young. Dark, lithe and a little cracked. But no less dangerous because of it. Does that make sense?

Khuks are mostly a guy thing so I wouldn't expect a woman to understand.

Kinda like her looking at a dress or a bottle of expensive perfume while you just stand there and try to look interested. :D