Feeling the economic pinch

Gossman Knives

Edged Toolmaker
Apr 9, 2004
Business has fallen off real bad. Literally no knifework at all on board. Thankfully I still have my other job. I'm going back to being a part time maker and hopefully will still be able to keep the shop. If I lose the shop, all of the equipment will go into storage I will not be making knives anymore. Not trying to cry poormouth just stating facts as they stand right now. I've had slow downs throughout this year but I have a bad feeling about this one.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me. I deeply appreciate it.
I wish you well and hope things will get better for you.

These are rough times and the future is uncertain for many.
Scott I am going to order a hunting knife from you but working on saving up the scratch for one of your knives right now hope things pick up.
Yup.. this year was rough and continued to stay that way.. every time we see light it gets crushed. I'm actually surprised many makers are still doing ok. Knife spending is one of the last things many need to drop cash on in these times of ass economy. gl to you.
Scott, really sorry to hear about the situation. Your knives are superb, I hope things pick up for you real soon. I'm still hoping to order the PSK Sr from you, but like nearly everyone this economic situation is making it hard.

Best of luck.

Scott, I feel for you brother. Hopefully things take a turn for the better for all of our sakes.
Thanks alot guys. I keep hoping this is just another slow down like I've had throughout the year. I normally have different times of the year where work slows down. I've thought about making different knives and post for sale but that doesn't seem to work because there are 5 available right now that aren't moving. As long as I can make enough to hold on to the shop I'll keep at it. I sure don't want to stop doing what I love to do. It's a real shame how the Federal Govt., banks and greedy corporations like the oil companies have screwed up the economy. Offshore manufacturing has really hurt this economy taking jobs away from Americans. I guess all we can do is hope for the best. Small business is the backbone of our economy and so many are taking a big hit.
Hope things get better. This economy sucks. I am in the construction business and man the last few years have been tough. Thing that kills me is every body in Washington is so busy playing partisian politics and just letting things continue to crumble. And I am a life long die hard republican. Sorry for the rant. Really hope things pick up. It would be ashame not to be able to get a Gossman when you wanted it.
Scott, I hope things go well enough for you to keep going brother. This economy SUCKS! The current system and administration SUCK! Hang in there bro. Good things happen to good people. I actually had a rather negative talk with my boss today too...defiantly head check time for me too.

Side note- The knife I one in the raffle at Gosstoberfest= Awesome! :thumbup: Amazing knife in a small package! Thank you again!
Hang in there, you make really fine knives and it would be too bad if they were no longer available; please don't close up your shop altogether, even if you have to scale back for a while. Like everyone I'm feeling the pinch, but this country has been through hard times before. In the end we will make it.
I hope it picks up for you. This year has been especially bad.

Hang until after the next election. Depending on how that it goes, businesses may start hiring and spending which would create more consumer confidence.
Thanks again for the well wishes everyone. I'm even seeing bad signs at my other job, Giant Food. I've worked there for 34 1/2 years. Started right out of high school at 18 years old in 1977. Giant was a strong food chain and we are unionized. My union is UFCW ( United Food and Commercial Workers Local 27) The warehouse and truck drivers were union, Teamsters. Giant Food was a leader in the industry right up there with A&P and Safeway. We dominated the East Coast as far as food chains went. We were bought out when the original owner Izzy Cohen died by a company in England. Then in the late 90's we were once again sold to AHOLD Corporation from the Netherlands. We merged with Stop & Shop based in Boston, Mass. They are also part of AHOLD. The people who run the company now know nothing about running a profitable grocery business. We are nowhere near doing the volume we use to and we been through similar economic times.
Basically, there are many people in high positions that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
It's a pretty sad situation we live in right now.
Sorry that the other jobs slowing down as well Scott, we're all rooting for you.

Hope things begin to look up for you soon.

Hang in there Scott. I hope things will pick up for you.

I honestly don't understand why you are not swamped with orders. You make high quality, ergonomic, hard work knives for a reasonable price.
Your sheaths use premium leather, are extremely well made and fit the knife like a glove.

I wish more people would understand that it is better to have one good knife, custom made in the USA, than an array of cheap oversea imports.

Don't give up. Times will change.
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, PM's, emails and phone calls. I really do appreciate it. I really love what I do and would hate to be forced to stop.
Sat. is our gun season opening day for deer. I'm on vacation next week and will be in the woods all week to clear my head and spend time pursuing my favortie outdoor activity. This is the season for giving thanks. I want to gives thanks to all who support my love of knifemaking. Without you guys, what the purpose.