Fell into the looking glass - er - Mirror polish


Mar 8, 1999
Was thinking about Sun, Moon, and Stars. Had to go fondle and look at the reflections from the light. Take a few swings to make sure my excalibur is still in top shape.

Then to the 20" Chainpuri, so light, thin, deadly. It cast ripples of light too.

Then to the M43 that I spent so long carving rings into it's handle ( first blending the handle's curve into the blade's ).

Finally the Sher WW2 that hasn't been detailed out yet. ( Which means taking off a little to made it right in my hand. )

And I wiped them down and fell into the light reflecting off of all of them.
Reminds me of the feeling I got when I saw the ripples dance like waves near a good warm campfire.
Reading this made me get out all mine and oil em up:D They needed it anyway...at least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it;)

Note when I say "all" it really isn't very many. If Rusty et al say "all" its saying something:eek: :D