Fill me in on special edition micartas...

Mar 18, 2009
The Busse website says that snake skin micarta is a very limited stock and when it's gone it's gone. I've seen plenty of it around specially on limited edition runs and am wondering if its possible to order a knife with snake skin micarta from the custom shop. Both tiger hide micarta and snake skin micarta are a bit of a mystery to me as there are so many varieties of each. Some of it is just absolutely amazing looking and some I'm not incredibly fond of. There seems to be two different styles of snake skin that I have spotted. One of them is the wild kind with swirling around the pins. The other is a very layered effect like most of the snake skin SJTACs out there. When ordering how can you specify I guess is my question? I know a lot of this could be cleared up with simply a phone call to Busse. Right now I am sort of in the information gathering stage of creating my ultimate Busse, which I believe is a customized Skinny Ash I. Speaking of which... if you have any pics of one with either tiger hide or snake skin micarta I would be very appreciative if you would post them up for me

Two more quickies that are off the main focus of the thread.
1. What is the difference between the Nuclear Meltded editions and the standard? People have talked about melt jobs etc... not sure what exactly the effect is.
2. Do Skinny ASH Is come factory with a fully convex grind?

There is just a ton of info and pictures of Busse knives out there and I am just trying to get my thumb on a few things that are maybe not as obvious as some of the other things. I am slowly starting to learn the lingo though... specially the abbreviations!

Thanks ahead of time.

~Living Still
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Question 1:
The snakeskin is mostly gone IIRC... What is left are pieces that might fit one model variant or another, and the Shop might have enough to run a few handles from for a couple of them, but for the main part, we've seen the last of it... :(

Question 2:
This is a 1 of 13 Nuclear Meltdown FBM (below). All the corners are rounded, as well as the spine, Talon Hole, lanyard hole(s), choil, butt, etc... The blade is fully convexed. On a normal FBM or FFBM, the spine is squared off, the choil area is perpendicular to the blade, and same with the holes unless they have been chamfered (sp?) a little.

These closeups on the handle area of a normal Nuclear Meltdown FBMLE shoes the "ball bearing" finish a little better.


Question 3:
IIRC, no, the skinny ash does not come fully convexed, it has a symmetric V-edge.

I hope this helps! :)
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