Finally dismantled my Sebenza...

Jan 24, 2002
Today I finally dismantled my Sebenza. I´ve had this knife for 3 years now but was a little affraid to take it apart. Surely I keep it clean and well lubricated, but I decided to really clean the knife this time. It was a breeze to take it apart and after cleaning it just took a couple of minutes to put it back together (It really is a GREAT knife :)).

Does anyone else have this ´fear´ of taking your knives apart... especially the more expensive ones (semi-custom or custom)?

Just curious if it´s just me...
I haven't dared to take an AXIS lock knife apart, but I'll take apart a frame lock (like my Sebenza or CUDA Maxx) any day. They are easy!
ArtSig1 gave me the encouragement to open up a folder. A Sabenza was my first.

It was a cool experience; it took the third try to get it back together correctly. But, WOW! was the action better after having cleaned out all that gunk in there!

Since, I have worked on a KFF. That one was wild, in that once it's apart, no way does it look like the beefy folder that it does when assembled.

I bought two types of Loc Tite from a marine supply store and found that the version numbered "222" for small hardware threads worked the best, when using it to prevent rotation of a screw.
See, now that wasn't so bad, was it? Before you know it, you'll be voiding Benchmade's warranty in no time.:eek: ;)

That's my motto: Have knife, will take apart! I've not seen one yet I would not disassemble, as long as I've got the correct tools. That is why I invested a C-note in a set of Wiha Tools. I've used others but the torx bits by Wiha are the best. They fit the screw head and stay in place so that no deformation of the screw head occurs. I have a J.W. Smith LDC-5 coming in TOMORROW from J.W. where it had gone to have the clip moved to the top of the bolster and to have a steel back spacer made for it. First thing I will do is disassemble it, clean it up on the inside and apply some sentry Tuff-Glide lube to it.

Hey they are put together with screws so they can be taken apart! Take one aprt right and no one at benchmade will be the wiser. Btw, I NEVER take my Benchmades apart, NEVER!
I've taken all of my knives apart at one time or another (well, the ones that can be take apart). I was kind of hesitant about taking a BM 705 apart, but once I did, it was a lot simpler than I thought it'd be. It's "fun" to take things apart, clean them, put it back together, and have it working better than ever.:D
Originally posted by Boink
Since, I have worked on a KFF. That one was wild, in that once it's apart, no way does it look like the beefy folder that it does when assembled.


It´s funny that you mention this, because this was also one of the first things I thought... the solid, bank-vault-sebenza turned into tiny and simple parts when disassembled. Hard to image that these small parts make up such a sturdy folder.

Good tip about the Loc Tite; thanks for that one.
Originally posted by serge
Does anyone else have this ´fear´ of taking your knives apart...

No way!

You know us, engineers: give to us a ball point pen and we've put it into pieces at no time.
And no idea how to assemble it again! ;) :D

The same thing it is with knives...
I think it's important to understand the workings of one's knife, it's good that you learned to do this.

One of my good friends is always cleaning and maintaining his knives, he's obsessive about it, and he has often even taken apart his custom emerson... which personally, even i thought was a bit daring, LOL.

good going!

Guro Jeff