Finishing stone

Nov 5, 2006
Well, I got a nice carborundum stone that I've taken a liking to because it puts a good, shaving edge on a knife and quick... But its a very course edge, and I would like to (eventually) get a nice finishing stone for this.

Now, I'm thinking a hard arkansas would be an optimal balance between price and function, since it wont be removing much material, just refining the finish of the bevel... Although maybe it would be more appropriate to go with a strop (which I know just about NOTHING about). oh, I should mention this is a dual (medium course/fine) grit stone. I would say the course side is roughly comparable to 320 grit sandpaper, can't say for sure on the fine.
I would suggest a soft Arkansas, or fine India, and then using a hard Arkansas or fine ceramic.
I recently got my hands on a very hard, black arkansas stone. Nice thing is that it is 2" by 8" and works great. It really puts a great edge on the knife. After I've worked the edge to shaving using a fine diamond I'll go to town to finish it out on this hard arkansas. Then I'll strop it on the same stone. If I really want to shave then I'll go back with a leather strop and some white rouge. I even gut my Cold Steel SRK to shave using this technique.


Just hard hard is a hard arkansas? How much work does it take to finish up on the hard ark after the fine diamond? How fine (or rough) is the diamond?
yuzuha has a great chart showing approximate grit comparisons for DMT, Sharpmaker, Edge-pro, Arkansas stones, etc. I can't find the link. Maybe someone will remember where it is.
Mine is a waterstone grit chart showing Shaptons, the old Japanese industrial standard, the new standard, Norton and DMT plus the kanji for various Japanese stones (if your browser is set up to display shift-jis Japanese).

You are thinking of CBWX34's handy little spreadsheet that comapares waterstones with oil stones and other sharpening devices.
A copy of it is here, but you'll have to check with him to see if it is his latest version
Just hard hard is a hard arkansas? How much work does it take to finish up on the hard ark after the fine diamond? How fine (or rough) is the diamond?


Not sure how hard to rate the Arkansas but it is definitely the hardest stone I have. When I sharpen the knife it leaves almost no mark on the stone at all and really mirror polishes the edge. The diamond stone is rated fine. I have always considered diamond stones to be actually one step rougher than their rating due to their faster cutting ability. Just my system.

One trick I've found that works on the hard stone is to start with a good amount of downward pressure on the sharpening strokes then work to a very gentle pressure. Not sure if it's proper technique but I have some bald spots on my arm that says it works.

Hope that helps to clarify.

Here is the last version I have:

Thanks to CBWX34.
Here is some light coming through a half-inch thick translucent hard Arkansas. I'd like to know the grit rating on this one.
I really like the Spyderco ultra-fine ceramic followed by a couple passes on a mirror-smooth steel, and then a light (and I mean light) strop...

That procedure produces quite an impressive edge with most steels for me...

I'm not an expert, never played one on TV, and will step aside for the guys that really know what they're talking about. Just thought I'd pass along my technique..

I do most of my sharpening on a combo fine/coarse norton india stone. Some knives I won't go another step, but when I do, the medium or fine ceramics feel better to me than going to a hard arkansas. I have a soft/hard arkansas combo, and they will make the edge very very polised and smooth. I have always used various ceramics to finish, but just ordered a full size Spyderco medium ceramic bench hone to use for finishing.

I have a lansky ceramic fine serrated blade hone that fell out of it's holder, and I have been using that to finish for a long time. It's too small though.